Requiem for the past subjunctive.
Archive for the ‘Journalism (Online and Otherwise)’ Category
Westminster and the punditocracy is abuzz today about the delicious political gossip revealed in the Daily Mail. Excerpts from a new book on the Millibands by Mehdi Hasan and James Macintyre include accounts of political fratricide, attempted palace coups and all around nastiness in the recent history of New Labour. Given the talent of British [...]
This month, the first baby boomers turn age 65. Somewhere between 5,000 to 10,000 people a day are going to be entering retirement for the next 15 years. I think this should result in a change in press coverage that will reduce confusion and save valuable ink and paper. Current coverage: Congressman Alltalk today said [...]
I can’t prove what I believe: If we stopped rewarding mass murderers with the mass publicity they crave, we might have somewhat fewer of these atrocities.
Did you hear about the “family values” party rejecting a bill to fight pedophilia? You should have.
On Megan McArdle, Mel Gibson, and inconvenient facts.
I admire Kevin Drum’s candor about the dilemma of having to write a regular column when you don’t necessarily have anything profound to say as often as the column appears. I believe this problem affects some of the “hacks” that Alex Pareene singles out for lousy work (I didn’t agree with all his list, but [...]
I was in London when the Keith Olbermann “scandal” broke, and I struggled to explain it to puzzled Brit friends. They wondered why a liberal newscaster on a liberal channel could get in trouble for being “caught out” making liberal campaign donations. The British media does not share their American counterparts’ squeamishness about announcing a [...]
My adventures fixing misquotation by the Daily Caller and then American Thinker.
Spoiler alert: if this post doesn’t spoil your week, or worse, you and I don’t share the same reality. What makes human life worth living? Content, obviously: news, art, music, conversation - social intercourse in all media. What makes it possible? Food and drink, broadly defined: fresh water and all the plant and animal products [...]