Arrogance Wilful Ignorance Waste Greed Rage Pride Sloth and boy, have they been deadly to the Iraqis; perhaps this explains the delay in sprinkling those rose petals before the Humvees. The prewar death rate has quadrupled. American deaths in this bungle (100 per dot; brave young people): ……………………….. Iraqi deaths (100 per dot; children, bloody [...]
Archive for the ‘Iraq’ Category
September 26th, 2006
Category: Iraq
Here are two propositions I can’t entertain simultaneously: (1) Bush is managing a competent assault on global terrorism, including for example the invasion of Iraq, the rebuilding of Iraq, the liberation, stabilization, and salvation of Afghanistan, the CIA/Guantanamo/extraordinary rendition program, and the really cheap military enterprise doing the heavy lifting. This assault is succeeding, he [...]
May 1st, 2006
My favorite bits, for those who don’t want to read the whole thing, or, better yet, watch it.