Congressman Paul’s unfortunate newsletters should not blind us to the deeper message of his candidacy.
Archive for the ‘Intellectual disability’ Category
h/t Mike Sheehan. (By the way, I support related charities here and here and here.)
If you look up the term “anti-charismatic” in the new Oxford English multimedia dictionary, you get the left-side video in this Bloggingheads video. My friend Don Taylor, who teaches public policy at Duke, benefits from the comparison. Oh yeah. his terrific book “Balancing The Budget is a Progressive Priority” is available here.
During the current fiscal crisis, red states are cutting services to intellectually disabled Americans and their families.
My essay on the vaccine-autism controversy came out today in Democracy. If you don’t read Democracy, you should. The list of luminaries on the masthead is quite impressive. I’m grateful to Michael Tomasky and Elbert Ventura for the opportunity to publish in such a terrific place, and for the careful editing. RBC readers know that [...]
It’s good to see sane talk about end-of-life care and about the nonlink between vaccines and autism. Yet every day, critically ill patients, families of children with autism, and others have genuine experiences that lead them to distrust and dislike medical authority. As long as this is the reality, there will be a market niche in which peddlers of paranoia and flim-flam will flourish.
Seventh-grader Mike Sabath made this video. Pretty amazing, and for a good cause.
Sarah Palin is everywhere from Time Magazine to the Wall Street Journal to Dancing with the Stars. Yet when it comes to disability policies of critical importance to millions of families facing similar challenges to those facing her, she remains MIA.
More so than myself, my wife Veronica and her brother Vincent are attached to cherished holiday rituals. Since my in-laws have both passed away, we carry on these rituals in our home. These rituals provide much joy and not a little sadness. “I lived with Mom,” Vincent remarked out of nowhere. “She died. Now I [...]
More human consequences of the state budget crisis