Archive for the ‘Immigration’ Category

June 10th, 2009

Palau has agreed to take in the Uighurs — and has demonstrated just about every other nation’s hypocrisy and cowardice.

March 2nd, 2009

The United States can demonstrate its humanitarian bona fides and give a kick start to Israeli-Palestinian peace by accepting thousands of Palestinian refugees to this country. And it doesn’t need Congressional approval to do so.

November 20th, 2008

President-elect Obama has tapped Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano to become the new Secretary of Homeland Security. It seems to be a good choice: Napolitano is smart, politically experienced, and apparently did a wonderful job both as US Attorney in Arizona and as that state’s Attorney General. But her background might also raise questions-not about her [...]

September 18th, 2008

Jake Tapper argues that Obama’s Spanish-language radio ad linking John McCain to Rush Limbaugh is a distortion. He’s got a kernel of a point, but that point itself is distorted. Tapper really goes into wingnut territory when he tries to exonerate Limbaugh from the charge of crude anti-Latino prejudice. His stronger argument is that Limbaugh [...]

May 11th, 2008

It’s not called that, but if locking up a legal permanent resident of the U.S. for years and denying her a biopsy for a probable cancer comes to the same thing.

March 24th, 2008

Since the ancient Greeks, and even earlier, balance and proportion have been recognized to be at the heart of merit, in art, in policy, and in praxis. Let us now pause to admire the fine equality between the heartless and bottomless greed of the current fatcat administration and its eye-popping and pervasive incompetence. If you [...]

January 31st, 2008

It’s pretty much a straight-up choice between right and wrong. “No licenses” is bad on humanitarian grounds and bad on public-safety grounds, and has no plausible advantage. But it sounds good to most voters. Guess which Democratic candidate was willing to do the right thing?

November 8th, 2007

Just a question for all those conservative Republicans who are attempting to give retroactive immunity for FISA violations by telecoms: Why was it that amnesty would mean the end of the Republic when it was impoverished immigrant laborers but it is now perfectly acceptable when it is large telecom corporations? And no: the shoe isn’t [...]

September 18th, 2007

Thanks to Jonathan adding the missing piece, I now see the big picture into which the Ghuman case is a window: it’s all about music! Musicians of all sorts are nothing but a rogues’ gallery of subversion and disrespect for traditional values: Rouget de Lisle, Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, Gilberto Gil, Richard Wagner, the Dixie [...]

September 17th, 2007

When I taught at the Kennedy School, we used to have a Foreign Service Officer in the one-year mid-career program about every year. We also had two or three New York cops. The cops were, with about one exception every couple of years, street-smart, plain smart, and funny, but in a dozen different personal styles. [...]