Archive for the ‘Humour’ Category

June 14th, 2009

“Should Letterman be fired for a joke?”
When the joke is about the sexual morals of a minor girl, yes.

April 4th, 2009

Fates for bankers worse than pitchforks.

March 27th, 2009

The GOP even gets its windmills wrong.

November 7th, 2008

A helpful suggestion for the GOP.

November 1st, 2008

Obama makes a stronger commitment to a national electricity grid, but goes off the rails on hybrid cars.

October 13th, 2008

The secret fifth ingredient of the British bank bailout was Balti curry.

September 22nd, 2008

The George Walker Bush Memorial Fund.

September 17th, 2008

Not panic but meltdown.

September 13th, 2008

Harold Wilson was the Prime Minister of Great Britain from 1964 to 1970, and from 1974 to 1976. His historical reputation is mixed, but sure knew how to give a quote.
One, regarding Tony Benn, seems particularly appropriate for John McCain:

He immatures with age.
And this one, for those of us watching the polls:

A week is [...]

September 7th, 2008

My proposal if John McCain is forced to choose a new running mate.