Archive for the ‘Hillary Rodham Clinton’ Category

April 22nd, 2009

Why should anyone pay attention to anything Dick Cheney says?

December 23rd, 2008

As Mark observes, it’s a good thing that Hillary Clinton has appointed Jack Lew as budget director within the State Department. Two other things emerge from the NYT piece, one good, one bad: 1) Clinton seems to want to get State more involved in international economic affairs. This is good. Matt Yglesias is worried about [...]

November 23rd, 2008

I doubt it.

November 17th, 2008

After several days of speculation, I still fail to see why Hillary Clinton would want the job as Obama’s Secretary of State. 1) Secretary of State is a more important office when the President does not want to focus much on foreign policy; if he does, then he will concentrate authority in the White House [...]

November 16th, 2008

I am not at all sure that I understand Obama’s reasoning in considering HRC for Secretary of State, but my gut tells me that we may be seeing an instance where politicians get in trouble through the misplaced use of historical analogy, in this case the “team of rivals.” Abraham Lincoln really had to have [...]

September 24th, 2008

Why is someone betting the bank on McCain-and Hillary?

September 6th, 2008

Obama must learn to sit right.

August 26th, 2008

There was lots of good stuff in Clinton’s speech, and then there was this: I want you to ask yourselves: Were you in this campaign just for me, or were you in it for that young Marine and others like him? Were you in it for that mom struggling with cancer while raising her kids? [...]

June 27th, 2008

Her performance in Unity was astounding.

June 27th, 2008

She’s asking for money to pay the vendors, but she’s walking away from the $12 million of her own money the campaign borrowed from her.