… in rural Bangaladesh and in Indiana. The links between religious fanaticism and misogyny are strong, no matter which holy book the fanatics pretend to read.
Archive for the ‘Abortion’ Category
Planned Parenthood is once again the target of Congressional attack. No organization has done more to promote reproductive autonomy or maternal and child health.
The RNC is dropping abortion coverage from hits heath insurance. Is that saving them any money?
Even if the damned thing becomes law, why won’t insurance companies offer retroactive abortion-coverage riders? Termination is cheaper than carrying to term.
George Tiller’s clinic will remain closed permanently. The closest abortion services to Wichita are now three hours away: not late-term abortion services, *any* abortion services.
What are we going to do about it?
Contraception and adoption have roughly nothing to offer in reducing the number of late-term abortions.