The wrong side of history is an uncomfortable place to be.
Archive for the ‘Gay Rights’ Category
At an academic workshop on social conservatism most of the participants think gay rights is a losing issue, ripe for jettisoning. Sign of the times?
Latest desperation move by opponents of same-sex marriage: attack the judge who found Proposition (h)8 unconstitutional for having a same-sex partner. But on the theory that gay marriage is bad for straights, what sort of judge *wouldn’t* have had a conflict of interest?
The Weekly Standard: hurrah for ROTC, please don’t mention DADT.
Why would a federal court ask state justices to do something that they have no right to do?
So DADT repeal won’t wreck the armed forces and leave us naked to our enemies. The Marines’ honor has been a little besmirched by that noble service registering the highest fraction (40-60% compared to 30% average for the whole military) expecting negative effects, but they will get over it and they will follow orders with [...]
Every Democrat save the two from Arkansas voted to end DADT. Every Republican voted the other way. Who’s to blame, do you think?
Emily Bazelon asks “do we really want gay marriage to become legal in California because of what’s essentially a technicality?” Uh, yes — that’s EXACTLY what we want.
Some people may wonder how Judge Vaughn R. Walker is holding up under the brutal, often homophobic tirades to which he is now being subjected for his recent ruling on gay marriage. At a Stanford drug policy forum about a decade ago, we were seated together at the closing dinner. The interaction that evening makes [...]