As long as people are making predictions for the new year, I’ll hazard something myself: Israel and America will have a loud diplomatic dispute about 11 months from now. President Obama’s initial attempts at jump-starting the Mideast peace process were well-intentioned and sound from a policy perspective, but somewhat naive politically. Demanding a settlement freeze, [...]
Archive for the ‘Foreign Policy’ Category
Juan Cole says it’s just about over.
Aid to poor countries is a tough sell in the UK today, as many Britons want their pounds directed at those people who are hurting closer to home. In response, former PM Sir John Major makes the case for foreign aid in the Telegraph today, eloquently blending the humanitarian and strategic rationales.
Like Mark, I attended the Yale Globalization Center conference on drug policy organized by President Ernesto Zedillo and Professor Jody Sindelar. The most interesting thing I learned from the panels and participants is that the attention of the U.S. public regarding drugs is focused on debates that don’t matter much for our friends south of [...]
Daniel Larison objects to attacks on Pakistan’s loyalty as an ally, noting (correctly) that allies don’t always agree. Jeffrey Goldberg also sticks up for Pakistan as an ally. (h/t Sullivan) I think we’re getting to the point where these terms don’t make much sense as regards Pakistan. There are countries and non-state actors out there that [...]
1. What happened to the “water’s edge” principle?
2. Not a good way to encourage non-proliferation.
3. If you support expensive humanitarian interventions that kill people, why not cheap humanitarian interventions that don’t kill people. Is it the killing you like, or is it spending lots of public money?
Foreign policy analysis will get a lot better when we stop using flatulent phrases like “strategic”, “reactive,” “leadership” or “realistic.”
Even if Libya turns into a quagmire, here are three reasons why a Qaddafist insurgency would pale in comparison to Iraq.
We have met Dr. Kissinger, and he is us.