Archive for the ‘Election 2006’ Category

December 13th, 2006

Does Bonilla’s defeat presage an even worse “thumpin’ ” for the GOP in 2008?

November 19th, 2006

OK. The Justice Department won’t investigate. But can’t Kweisi Mfume sue?
To review the bidding (which Josh Marshall has been all over):
Bob Ehrlich and Michael Steele brought in busloads of homeless African-American people from Philadelphia to black precincts in Prince George’s County, Maryland, to hand out fliers headed “Ehrlich-Steele Democrats” and showing the pictures [...]

November 13th, 2006

Does anyone know whether either the turnout level or the partisan split among military voters changed this year compered to 2002?

November 11th, 2006

No, there was no huge swing to the Democrats. No, there’s no evidence that “values” issues account for what swing there was. And while Ted Strickland’s being a minister might have had something to do with his actually beating Ken Blackwell among Ohio’s white Evengelical Protestants, so might Blackwell’s skin color. Maybe newspapers should let reporters report and turn to academics and bloggers when it comes time to crunch the data.

November 8th, 2006

Burns probably isn’t close enough to have a recount in Montana.
Virginia is mostly on no-paper-trail electronic machines, so there’s nothing to be recounted once the arithmetic has been checked.

November 8th, 2006

I think we’ve got it.

November 7th, 2006

With Talent conceding in Missouri, and Webb now ahead by 11,000 in Virginia, if John Tester holds on to a 3.5 percentage point lead in Montana you can call Harry Reid “Majority Leader.” We needed to run the table, and it looks as if we did. Best guess is a pickup of 34 in the House.

November 7th, 2006

Betting markets predict Dem pickups of 30-35 in the House; the Senate is hard but doable: we’d need to hold Maryland and take Virginia, Missouri, and Montana, with everything but Missouri looking better than even money.

November 7th, 2006

Don’t bother listening to the pundits. For moment-to-moment updates on what’s happening, just watch the Iowa and Tradesports markets.

November 6th, 2006

Huge Republican-linked construction firm won’t work in Iraq anymore due to lack of security for its employees.