Archive for the ‘High-stakes school testing’ Category

May 1st, 2011

The latest from Philadelphia.

March 29th, 2011

There’s no way on earth those test results weren’t faked, and no way Rhee can’t know that they were faked. Her slime-and-defend denial makes her an accomplice - at the very least - in a massive fraud.

March 28th, 2011

… it’s worth cheating for. The D.C. school system provides another example. Management-by-measurement needs to build in cheating-prevention features, including punishment for cheaters.

June 10th, 2010

It’s as true now as it was eighty years ago, when the W.C. Fields character said it in You Can’t Cheat an Honest Man. But the advocates of high-stakes low-quality standardized testing keep ignoring it.

December 28th, 2002

Now lemmesee…. -Using high-stakes tests to reward and punish schools and their staffs encourages cheating. -The relatively cheap (on a per-student basis) tests that have to be used if testing is to be done on a census, rather than a sample, mean that the tests measure only a subset of what we want the students [...]