Archive for the ‘Corruption in Washington’ Category

January 21st, 2012

Glad to see that Cayman Islands bank accounts are worse than serial adultery in the eyes of Republican voters; less glad to see that a single billionaire can transform the race for the Presidency by writing a check to a super-PA for money he’ll never miss.

October 15th, 2011

Wall Street to politicians: your “constituency” isn’t the voters. It’s your donors: namely, us.

June 24th, 2011

Senator Chuck Schumer says about the deficit negotiations that “there needs to be revenues in any deal.”  Very true. What revenues might those be?  Well, the Democrats are talking about a lot of loopholes for the very wealthy.  Let me suggest one: treating the investment gains of hedge fund managers — mnay of whom make millions of [...]

November 24th, 2010

The Hammer is guilty, guilty, guilty.

November 8th, 2010

The Third Way’s Jon(athan) Cowan: self-proclaimed leader, still seeking followers.

November 5th, 2010

It is truly a sign of American decline that Evan Bayh could ever get elected to anything.

October 13th, 2010

The skilled flacks of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce - no doubt the best that foreign money can buy - have largely succeeded in obfuscating the issue about the relationship between the Chamber’s $75 million smear campaign against Democrats and the Chamber’s overseas contributors. The Chamber says it gets only $100,000 per year in dues [...]

September 12th, 2010

John Boehner passed out checks from tobacco companies to fellow Republican House members on the floor of the House as they voted down a bill that would have ended tobacco subsidies.

March 16th, 2010

If Congress is going to be on the take, then small donors should have the right to play the game.

February 6th, 2010

We have a label. Now we need to make it a cause celebre.