Glad to see that Cayman Islands bank accounts are worse than serial adultery in the eyes of Republican voters; less glad to see that a single billionaire can transform the race for the Presidency by writing a check to a super-PA for money he’ll never miss.
Archive for the ‘Corruption in Washington’ Category
Wall Street to politicians: your “constituency” isn’t the voters. It’s your donors: namely, us.
Senator Chuck Schumer says about the deficit negotiations that “there needs to be revenues in any deal.” Very true. What revenues might those be? Well, the Democrats are talking about a lot of loopholes for the very wealthy. Let me suggest one: treating the investment gains of hedge fund managers — mnay of whom make millions of [...]
The Third Way’s Jon(athan) Cowan: self-proclaimed leader, still seeking followers.
It is truly a sign of American decline that Evan Bayh could ever get elected to anything.
The skilled flacks of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce - no doubt the best that foreign money can buy - have largely succeeded in obfuscating the issue about the relationship between the Chamber’s $75 million smear campaign against Democrats and the Chamber’s overseas contributors. The Chamber says it gets only $100,000 per year in dues [...]
John Boehner passed out checks from tobacco companies to fellow Republican House members on the floor of the House as they voted down a bill that would have ended tobacco subsidies.
If Congress is going to be on the take, then small donors should have the right to play the game.
We have a label. Now we need to make it a cause celebre.