Anyone who has followed Mark’s and Harold’s diligent chronicling of the Rick Perry crazy over the last few days should hardly be surprised when he says something inane. But if you’re going to be a nutcase paranoid, you should at least make sense on your own terms. Too high a bar, apparently. Today, Perry rehashed [...]
Archive for the ‘Climate change’ Category
A map showing just how isolated the USA is in its do-nothing policy on climate change.
A year ago I was living in Washington, D.C. and hating the horrible heat and humidity. I see that it is even more horrible this year than last. I am sympathetic for those RBC readers who are suffering in our nation’s capital, so let me relay the image that kept me going when I was [...]
Australian climate scientists rap-the clean version. You read me right: the clean version. Not super clean either. It’s not clear this would meet Tipper’s approval. But I bet Al likes it anyway.
I congratulated a law enforcement official on a recent drop in crime in his city and he responded “I’d love to take credit, but it was the frigid weather last fall — in this job, I pray for hail and sleet”. On the other end of the temperature gauge, extreme heat also appears to reduce [...]
(UPDATED: See below.). I’ve had a good bit of fun jumping on the Republican Party for its hypocrisy on energy subsidies. So when a Republican does the right thing, it’s important to acknowledge it: Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty made a potentially risky move during his campaign launch speech in Iowa: he called for a phaseout of ethanol [...]
The next time a conservative tells you that he believes in the free market and balanced budgets, just show him this: Republicans senators who in the past have supported ending tax subsidies to big oil companies are prepared to vote Tuesday night with their party leadership to keep those subsidies in place. “I’m going to [...]
One of the predicted consequences of global warming - and let’s note that we have already had a good bit of that; it’s not something that might happen - is extreme weather events: wetter storms, more violent storms, and so on. The devastation from the 240-odd tornadoes this weekend’s storm wound up is exactly that [...]