Archive for the ‘Climate change’ Category

January 22nd, 2012

The political implications of maps of US renewable energy resources.

December 31st, 2011

Karl Smith on ignoring climate change.

November 29th, 2011

ARM´s 25 billion general-purpose computer cores are like mitochondria in cells.

November 21st, 2011

A rejoinder to Megan McArdle´s rejection of the prospects for solar PV.

November 15th, 2011

A rant against Tyler Cowen and for economic fundamentalism on the future of solar PV.

October 29th, 2011

What will it cost us both individually and collectively to adapt to climate change?  Barry wants to know and so do I!   The vague answer is that this cost will differ across individuals and that it will fall over time.   Consider two people who just graduated from Tulane.  Assume that one loves New [...]

October 28th, 2011

Thanks to my friends on Facebook, I was pointed to this new White House report on federal actions to help us adapt to climate change.   The report provides some nice case studies and I think it is very well done.  It doesn’t try to provide any “hard numbers” on the cost of adaptation or whether these [...]

September 21st, 2011

A shoddy chart by the EIA spreads unwarranted gloom.

September 20th, 2011

Nuclear power is doomed by its negative learning curve.

September 2nd, 2011

A solar power station in Spain runs for 24 hours, and the overhyped intermittency problem.