Archive for the ‘The Math’ Category

August 25th, 2010

British Petroleum (and the government) apparently provided implausibly estimates of how much oil was spewing into the Gulf. This was obvious from the start. If reporters were more numerate, they would have known.

March 8th, 2008

An 18-point win for Obama, on a turnout 10x that of four years ago.

March 7th, 2008

If Obama wins by 10-point margins in Mississippi, Wyoming, North Carolina, South Dakota, Montana, Oregon, and Guam, splits Indiana and Michigan, and loses by 20-point margins in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky, Florida, and Puerto Rico, and HRC picks up all the Edwards delegates, Obama would still need less than one-quarter of the remaining uncommitted superdelegates to deny him the nomination. Seem hard to you? Me neither.