I don’t believe anything Gingrich says, but he seems to have a pretty damning indictment of Romney’s involvement in massive Medicare fraud.
Archive for the ‘Campaign 2012’ Category
Mitt Romney leads with his chin; Gingrich goes into a defensive crouch.
Newt Gingrich says that if he is the nominee, he will challenge President Obama to a series of Lincoln-Douglas debates. Someone in the Obama campaign should leak a confidential memo revealing how absolutely terrified the President is of this prospect.
Mitt is claiming that he got nothing from his dad except a home loan in grad school. That’s not true. In an infamous 1994 interview, Ann Romney lamented that nobody understood that as “struggling students” she and Mitt could only bind flesh to spirit by selling stock.
So Mitt Romney complains that the US Navy has fewer ships than it did in 1917 — true, but utterly irrelevant and deceptive. Did you know that we have a weaker cavalry than we did in 1917, too? I’m shocked.
The Wall Street Journal compares the Republican candidates for President to failed treatments for cancer.
In an effort to raise more campaign funds, Rick Santorum has started what he calls a “Conservatives United Moneybomb.” That’s it. That’s its name. Google it.  I am not making this up. The mind reels….
Marianne Gingrich’s lawyer comes along today with a (mostly-accurate) attack on the Newtster. No big deal there. But wait a minute: the former Mrs. Gingrich’s lawyer is Victoria Toensing — where have I heard that name before? Oh yes — that Victoria Toensing. Long-time Washington GOP political operative. A very high priced inside-the-Beltway fixer for [...]
On the 39th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Barack Obama issued a statement celebrating it and Mitt Romney issued a statement condemning it. Any questions?
If you think we should discuss economic inequality in anywhere but quiet rooms, then go to China — I already sent your job there. Okay, cheap shot. But equating any discussion of inequality with Communism as Romney did is no more than crude red-baiting. Nevertheless, I can’t agree with those who think that the exchange means that “the pressure [...]