If the Republicans want to keep depriving the Democrats of Al Franken’s vote, they should pay a price for it.
Archive for the ‘Campaign 2008’ Category
When the law is on your side, pound on the law.
When the facts are on your side, pound on the facts.
When neither the law nor the facts are on your side, pound on the table.
Al Franken should tell Norm Coleman that the alternative to counting all the improperly counted absentees is counting none of them.
Can voters really be disenfranchised just because some election-day worker sorted their ballots into the wrong pile?
Why did Obama stay out?
Maybe it’s the old Chicago political maxim: “Don’t make no waves; don’t back no losers.”
As James says below, it looks as if the polar-bear vote is going heavily Democratic. That makes sense, given the positions of the parties on hunting and global warming and the bears’ heavy stakes in those issues.
Jim Martin is wrapping himself in the President-elect. Time for Obama backers to send him some love.
New York Times glibertarian columnist John Tierney put up an even-dimmer-than-usual blog post (which of course Glenn Reynolds loved) arguing that the election of Obama disproved the idea that racial prejudice is pervasive.
I made fun of Tierney’s argument on strictly logical grounds: even bigot might not have wanted to vote for a third Bush [...]