Archive for the ‘Liveblogging the California Democratic Convention’ Category

April 29th, 2007

Dodd sounds and looks solid, knowledgeable, and boring. Richardson seems unable to comprehend that his resume doesn’t automatically earn him the nomination. Both seem to be running for VP.
Dodd would be OK with me, though I don’t quite see what he adds to the ticket (maybe union backing if Obama is the nominee?). [...]

April 29th, 2007

Edwards follows Waters. Looks awfully young and blow-dried. Dazzling smile, but not creepy like Kucinich’s. Obama and Edwards have very different oratorical styles. Obama makes you think “Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have this entirely admirable human being as President?” Edwards makes you focus on what he’s saying, whether you [...]

April 29th, 2007

Edwards and Obama both (eloquently, it seems to me) couch their critique of Bush’s foreign policy in terms of what it means to be proud to be an American. “We’re better than that.” “That’s not who we are.” “The world needs to see America as a force for good.” The perfect combination [...]

April 29th, 2007

Sunday morning. Having learned my lesson from yesterday, I arrive promptly at 9:45, just in time to hear Maxine Waters. Her speech is all about Iraq; she proudly announces that she is the head of the “Out of Iraq Caucus.” Her claim to expertise in military affairs is only somewhat compromised [...]

April 29th, 2007

A sample (semi)liveblog from the California Democratic Convention, where I was both a delegate and an accredited “Internet Journalist.” Full thread here:

April 29th, 2007

Due to problems with the wireless setup, I was live-notetaking but not actually liveblogging from the convention today. I’ll post several items as time allows. Short version: Edwards was great; Richardson was pretty bad in the hall and worse in a presser; the two of them agreed that “earned legalization” ought to [...]

April 28th, 2007

Obama’s choreographed spontaneous demonstration seems to go on much longer than Hillary’s, partly perhaps because he’s chosen a much more upbeat composition as a theme song, but if were on Hillary’s team I wouldn’t be happy. It looks and sounds like star power to me. Good resonant voice, good dynamic range, but no [...]

April 28th, 2007

Nancy Pelosi gets a huge cheer as the kickoff speaker after lunch: much bigger than the cheers for HRC. The Speaker cheerfully and articulately recites some bromides, reads a litany of the ways that the War in Iraq is “immoral,” mentions some names, and leaves to more cheers.

April 28th, 2007

Mike Jimenez, head of the CCPOA is denouncing “the expansion of the prison-industrial complex.” Says the money appropriated for buildikng prisons this week should instead be spent on schools.
I think this is huge news. I seem to have gotten CCPOA’s current agenda completely wrong. (That’s funny; I’ve never been wrong about anything [...]

April 28th, 2007

Exceeds expectations. A solid B speech.