Archive for the ‘Lese-Majeste’ Category

September 4th, 2011

So over this past weekend I’ve had something of a cold: lots of sneezing, runny nose, the works.  I could have gone through several boxes of tissues, but then I came upon an old “Environmentalists for Obama” t-shirt that I bought during the 2008 campaign.  It worked great!  I’ll make sure to tell everyone else who [...]

August 2nd, 2011

A couple of friends asked me whether the debt ceiling deal signalled a new Age of Extortion, in which we go through this mess every time we have to raise the debt ceiling.  Not to worry, I said. In 2013, given President Obama’s steadfast refusal to do anything about jobs and economic growth, there will [...]

July 26th, 2011

I realize that a large part of President Obama’s strategy through the debt limit fight has been to present himself as the grown-up, the reasonable one when everyone else is screaming and yelling.  Fair enough.  But he should also listen to his most recent Democratic predecessor: When we look weak in a time where people [...]

July 26th, 2011

It’s better, apparently, to trust in Republican goodwill: The White House said on Tuesday that the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution was “not available” to President Barack Obama to avoid the August 2 deadline to raise the U.S. debt ceiling. “There are no easy ways out here. There are no tricks, there is no [...]

July 23rd, 2011

This, confirmed by a senior administration official to Jonathan Cohn: Medicare: Raising the eligibility age, imposing higher premiums for upper income beneficiaries, changing the cost-sharing structure, and shifting Medigap insurance in ways that would likely reduce first-dollar coverage. This was to generate about $250 billion in ten-year savings. This was virtually identical to what Boehner [...]

July 21st, 2011

If this is true, then the dichotomy that I suggested last week, viz., Obama is either a Democrat and a moron or a Republican and a genius, is still valid: A Congressional aide briefed on ongoing negotiations between House Speaker John Boehner and President Obama says the two principals may be nearing a “grand bargain” [...]