Now that the House has passed middle-class tax cuts, this is President Obama’s chance to change the conversation. Will he take it?
Archive for the ‘2010 Democratic Agenda’ Category
Obama and the Senate “missed a chance” to get comprehensive climate legislation. You cannot be serious.
Jim DeMint thinks it’s so critical that you know how important he is that he doesn’t mind if a few thousand folks in Africa die over it.
On the tax cuts, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid made the best of bad situation; blaming them for caving risks creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Now is the time for all good people to stiffen the spines of the Democratic Party — both before and after the election.
Holding onto to Congress gives us a glimmer of a chance to effect the most positive change in US political culture in 30 years.
The politics of blame strategy for Democrats looks even better when compared to the politics of fear.
If you think that the President should reach out to reasonable Republicans, how about naming a reasonable Republican?
You can say it, Mr. President: the bad guys are called “Republicans.”