Archive for the ‘2007 Democratic Agenda’ Category

February 28th, 2008

Obama is right to propose federal spending on electronic medical records.

January 5th, 2008

HRC is attacking Obama on abortion (as too wishy-washy) rather than on health care, guns, and crime (as too liberal). But the attacks are false: Obama was carrying out a strategy invented by pro-choice groups when he cast those “present” votes.

January 24th, 2007

The Senate Republicans have filibustered the minimum-wage increase. You’ve got to hand it to them: they have no compunction in blocking something that they don’t like, regardless of whether someone says it is popular or not. They aren’t cowed like the Democrats were over habeas corpus.
But that doesn’t mean that concerted political action can’t [...]

January 21st, 2007

The 100 hours agenda greased through the House, splitting the Republicans and unifying the Democrats on highly popular issues. Nice work, Ms. Pelosi!

January 18th, 2007

Now that the House Democrats have passed their 100-hours agenda (much of which will die in the Senate), where should they go next?
I think that the obvious next choice is the Employee Free Choice Act, which would allow employees to form unions based upon signing cards rather than go through the laborious process of elections. [...]

January 11th, 2007

After a court ordered the Navy to provide an abortion for a sailor’s wife carrying an anencephalic fetus, the Justice Department successfully sued the sailor to make him pay the $3000 cost out of his $20,000 salary. The new Democratic Congressional majority ought to force a vote in each chamber on a bill to refund that money to the sailor.

January 5th, 2007

How to strange Executive Branch overreaching in the budgetary purse-strings.

November 29th, 2006

As long as we’re looking for good and relatively easy ideas for the 110th Congress, here’s one of the easiest (and possibly one of the best); re-creation of the Office of Technology Assessment.
Although the official history, this description from the OTA’s website serves as an excellent description of its mission and accomplishments:

The Office of Technology [...]

November 28th, 2006

Alcee Hastings will not chair House Intelligence. Whew!

November 22nd, 2006

The outgoing chair of the House Intelligence Committee claims the right to gag members of the minority staff. Incoming chairs should take note, and copy. Turnabout is fair play.