Cannabis News Round-Up

Vermont legal marijuana era dawns. Massachusetts prepares for legal marijuana sales. 1 In 5 Massachusetts adults have recently used marijuana recreationally, study finds. Central Massachusetts draws interest as hub of marijuana business. New Hampshire Democrats back marijuana legalization at state conventionMaine legislature maps the landscape for legal marijuana growers, sellers.For cannabis legalization in New England, it’s a slow burn.

Activists push for minorities to get fair share of New Jersey legal weed market. New Jersey legal marijuana legislation stalls, and lawmakers punt it to the summer. Ending the war on marijuana with Sen. Cory Booker and Weldon Angelos.Delawaremarijuana legalization bill falls 4 votes short. Delaware bill to legalize marijuana: A quick overview.

Led by Democrats and young adults, most Texas voters want to legalize marijuana. Florida lawyer wants to put recreational marijuana legalization on the ballot.

Public bank that would boost pot shops, affordable housing could go before Los Angeles voters this fall. Oregon legal marijuana’s path to the black market. What we’ve learned from three years of Oregon legal marijuana. Meet Colorado new single-issue voters: The cannabis community. How many steps does it take to produce Colorado legal marijuanaNevada marijuana industry growth big surprise in first legal year.

This feels like a tipping point on marijuana legalization. No, decriminalization of marijuana is not better than legalization 

Canada marijuana legalization moving too fast for most, poll suggests. Canada isn’t putting a cap on the potency of many cannabis products. Could Canada pot stocks make you rich?  “Canada legalization of pot is a giant fraud.” Canada feds to make it ‘fair’ for those with criminal records for marijuana possession. Can Canada landlords ban you from smoking marijuana? It depends on the province. Canada should expect some price variations for legal marijuana. What US can learn from Canada cannabis legalization. Russian Foreign Ministry comes out against Canada pot legalization.

2 thoughts on “Cannabis News Round-Up”

  1. Hello there. Just wanted to say, that Mises piece about decrim v legalzg was refreshingly well-written, compared to much of the stuff one usually finds behind links on other sites. (I read just the first few paragraphs bc I am really mostly obsessed with the stupidity of California voters in legalizing something when there are no legal standards for driving. !!!!! I can’t get over it. Other than that, I am mostly not that worried about pot. Hey, maybe you can tell other places to learn from our errors.) It looked like an interesting site. I have a limited attention span for libertarians. But when they write well, it helps!

    1. In fairness, I should add, voters here had I believe *no idea* that that is what they were doing. I have seen in other places this idea that our elite/expert class has lost influence lately. This loss is *richly deserved* from where I sit.

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