With recreational pot legal, no burning rush to start sales in California.
California is trying to educate people about marijuana before recreational sales start. California regulator admits to anxiety as legal pot nears. Stanislaus County, California leaders slam pot legalization, but approve rules for dispensaries, indoor grows. San Francisco leaders strive for equity in recreational marijuana regulations. The anti-marijuana San Diego prosecutor’s office is out of control.
Legal pot sales in Nevada projected to raise $120 million in tax revenue. Las Vegas police bust fake marijuana store. Oregon pot farmer to neighbors: “Chill out.” Neighbors: “No.”
Maine lawmakers fret that LePage will thwart rules to allow legal pot sales. Maine weighs in on modified recreational marijuana law pot tax. Vermont marijuana commission begins legalization study.
Legal loophole in DC creates bizarre pot bazaar.
Burning questions linger about legalizing marijuana in New Mexico.
Wisconsin cities are legalizing marijuana themselves. Montana man hopes to convince state Supreme Court that “farming†marijuana is legal.
Legal weed may be a windfall for McDonald’s and Taco Bell. Cannabis legalization boosts property values, study says. Is commercial marijuana different from other businesses? 3 out of 4 Americans oppose federal crackdown on legal cannabis. As states legalize marijuana, arrests for pot dwarf those for violent crimes.
Investing in Canada marijuana business ahead of legalization: full of risks and potential rewards. Will Canada marijuana supply be ready for legalization? Marijuana should be available at private retailers, two-thirds of Canadians say. British Columbia cities strengthen call for bigger role in marijuana legalization. Quebec to set legal marijuana consumption age at 18.
Pot farming: Who will benefit from South Africa legalization?
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