Cannabis News Round-Up

Los Angeles mayor announces possible crackdown on illegal weed shops.

Why the plan to legalize marijuana in New Jersey suddenly unraveled. New Jersey Gov. Murphy to expand medical marijuana if recreational bill not passed soon. The odor from New Jersey: That smell is a marijuana legalization process from which New York could learn a thing or two. Where New York and New Jersey stand on legalization.

New York lawmakers proclaim marijuana dead in the budget. Advocates, Cuomo disagree on status of New York marijuana legalization talks. Marijuana supporters to New York: If not now, when?

Guam lawmakers pass marijuana legalization bill.

Legalization bill clears another major hurdle in New Hampshire. New Hampshire House panel passes legalization bill, reworks tax structure. What’s next in the effort to legalize recreational marijuana in Connecticut?

Majority in Pennsylvania say marijuana should be legal. What does legalization mean for Pennsylvania? Illinois Democrats divided over legal marijuana effort. Pro-legalization group says recent studies underestimate marijuana demand in Illinois. Minnesota lawmaker wants to legalize marijuana; poll shows support. Michigan legal market will be uncompetitive with illegal dealers.

Can cannabis giants be contained? Just how high can Canada cannabis giants get in the global market?

Momentum for fixing marijuana’s banking problem is higher than ever. Social and Political Factors Associated With State-Level Legalization of Cannabis in the US. Politics of marijuana legalization: Not just red state vs. blue state.

Mexico government launches poll to ask citizens if marijuana should be legal.

One thought on “Cannabis News Round-Up”

  1. Ditto what James said.

    Also, lucky NJ. Let the stupid states iron out all the kinks.

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