I get more than the usual narcissistic pleasure an award brings from this considerable honor bestowed by BMA. It took almost five years for our team of 12 researchers from 7 countries to write Drug Policy and the Public Good. The process was stimulating but also, frankly, arduous. In many areas, drug policy research doesn’t give an empirically clear enough picture to overcome differences in political views and national predilections, leading even intelligent people of good will who like each other to argue (and argue and argue and argue, I am fortunate not to have lost my friendship with Robin Room as a consequence of this book). The end result is a book that each author disagrees with in some specific parts, but in general reflects hard-won consensus of what the international scientific base says.
p.s. The profits from this book go to the Society for the Study of Addiction, a registered charity in the UK.
Hey congratulations. Many friends, and friends of RBC, contributed to that volume.
Congratulations, Keith.
Congratulations. This seems like a very comprehensive and well researched book.