This didn’t start out as Police Misconduct Day on the RBC, this is too outrageous to pass up.
In a decently run department, he the officer whose voice is clearly caught making threats of criminal violence would lose his gun and his badge. But not in the NYPD.
As the song says, Commissioner Ray Kelly has been on the job too long.
Police Misconduct Day is a nice little change of pace, if you keep this up I can stopped looking at Radley Balko’s site.
Why won’t this sort of issue show up at townhall debates?
Play the tape, ‘fuck’ and ‘mutt’ alike, see what Romney and Obama have to say about that.
Did you really want to accompany this post with a song glorifying the killing of overzealous police officers?
No matter what you think of Commissioner Ray Kelly, writing that he’s “been on the job too long” and then following it with a link to Duncan and Brady seems pretty inflammatory.
Too many police overreach. No question about that.
The suspect’s response, though, can be the difference between walking away from the encounter or serious injury. An excellent resource for citizen/police interactions:
The video is lengthy, but well worth watching.