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David Dagan and Steven Teles tell a fascinating story of conservative support for prison reform.
So hey, Sean Hannity, Ross Douthat, David Brooks, William Kristol, George Will, Charles Krauthammer, and every opinion writer at the National Review and the Wall Street Journal: Do this year’s voter suppression tactics represent your values? If not, it’s time to step up.
Barack Obama is a good president and a good person. My wife and I are both proud to have volunteered for his election and reelection. I’ve been especially privileged to meet so many wonderful people along the way this year. I also would note that my superpac spent $1,000 to help one candidate-who won. It [...]
GOP hoping that voter suppression will help them. It won’t be enough. And it has tarnished the Republican brand for years to come.
The right to choose is more than a slogan. It’s the right to be treated with dignity as people face some of the most intimate and difficult moments in life. features dozens of fabulous pictures today. I especially like the one by Michael Kirby showing several police officers rescuing three-year-old Haley Rombi from dangerous flood waters. When natural disaster strikes, we need people to have our backs. As individuals, each of us is utterly vulnerable to many forces larger than ourselves. Acting together, we can protect each other against many of [...]
My colleagues at Doctors for America have collected 10,000 signatures on a very simple petition: Declaration to America’s Politicians We, the undersigned, demand our politicians put Patients Over Politics. We must work together to build on the Affordable Care Act with further reforms and commit to a future where everyone can get health care when [...]
Me in the Nation, and a pretty chart made by the editors.