Key moments from the first marijuana hearing of the new Congress. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez speaks out on weed legalization and racial justice in congressional hearings. Cannabis industry reacts to new Attorney General.
Republican senator’s bill calls for state-run New Mexico pot shops. Big Pharma, Big Tobacco betting big on Hawaii legalization.
Massachusetts Cannabis Advisory Board votes on marijuana home delivery recommendations. Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission Chief: Alcohol, marijuana regulation not the same. Vermont senate committee approves retail cannabis bill.
New York bodega owners rally for right to sell marijuana when its legalized. Despite New York legalization actions, marijuana money continues to bedevil banks. Big money is behind the rush to New York legalization. Assemblyman says “time has come” to legalize in New York.
Automatic sealing? Expungement? As they legalize marijuana, New York lawmakers negotiate clearing criminal records. New York police, doctors and educators fighting legalization.
New Jersey governor promised to clear weed convictions. Here’s just how hard that will be. New Jersey marijuana legalization: Lawsuit cites legal weed conflict by Point Pleasant Beach mayor. “The bad outweighs the good” says Barnegat, New Jersey mayor. He pushed for New Jersey marijuana legalization for nearly 20 years. Now the Weedman feels sidelined.
Majority at Erie County, Pennsylvania forum support legalizing marijuana. It’s high time to let Pennsylvania voters rule on marijuana.
Pennsylvania recreational weed may soon be legal one year after medical marijuana made available. Second Pennsylvania forum on legalizing again dominated by those who support it. New poll finds Maryland supports legalizing marijuana.
Let’s take another look at Ohio recreational marijuana before it’s too late. Illinois lawmakers seeking public input about legalizing. Prospect of legalizing in Illinois has developers, landlords seeing green. What could go wrong in Iowa if Illinois and Michigan legalize? Michigan marijuana use is legal but employers maintain the right to say not on the job.
Oregon leads nation in rate of marijuana consumption. Marijuana bills introduced in Colorado legislature in 2019 so far.
A marijuana banking bill finally gets a hearing in Congress. Here’s why Utah leaders are taking notice. Montana lawmaker proposes panel to study legalization.
Businesses need bank accounts—marijuana shops included. Banks want a hit of the marijuana business. Will they get to partake? Here’s why the craft cannabis industry can thrive in the face of Big Marijuana. A live conversation about the US cannabis industry. US doesn’t offer the most fertile soil for marijuana sales growth.
Will relaxing Australia laws on cannabis use help or harm?