…of this and the rest of the whole humiliating story. I’m ashamed as an American, as a citizen of a democracy where I can’t duck responsibility for government malfeasance, as a scholar of policy and governance, as a teacher, and as a parent. I’m ashamed to sit in the same faculty senate as John Yoo. I’m ashamed I didn’t do more in 2000 and in 2004.
I have no insight to add to the discussion of this shanda, but I figure if you have a blog, there are times to use it just to register rage, pain, and regret.
While I’m on this, though, what piece is Leon Panetta missing?
Mr. Panetta “has stated repeatedly that no one who took actions based on legal guidance from the Department of Justice at the time should be investigated, let alone punished.”
Are we really going to aggravate this moral catastrophe by resurrecting “just following orders” and the “kleiner mensch” defense? Are we really going to tell our public servants to put a lid on their own moral compasses henceforth and follow official instructions like robots? …that right and wrong is something you get through channels, and don’t worry about it?
When do I get to put the sackcloth and ashes away for a while?