This is a little more like it:
If our nation is left vulnerable in the coming months, it will not be because we don't have enough domestic spying powers. It will be because your Administration has not done enough to defeat terrorist organizations - including al Qaeda -- that have gained strength since 9/11. We do not have nearly enough linguists to translate the reams of information we currently collect. We do not have enough intelligence officers who can penetrate the hardest targets, such as al Qaeda. We have surged so many intelligence resources into Iraq that we have taken our eye off the ball in Afghanistan and Pakistan. As a result, you have allowed al Qaeda to reconstitute itself on your watch.
I usually don't pay much attention to the Saturday morning radio addresses, but in light of the House recess, Bush will no doubt use his own radio address to claim that the Democrats want to put terrorists under your bed. The Democrats' response should be to go on offense.
They might also mention that John McCain voted to protect the telecom companies instead of protecting the American public.
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