November 04, 2007

 "Carefully calibrated"

Apparently Musharraf acted to head off what would have been a unanimous decision by the Pakistani Supreme Court that his re-election as President was illegal.

And yes, the Bush Administration intends to keep using your money to pay for Musharraf's tyranny. GWB seems to have his enthusiasm for spreading democracy under firm control; not only hasn't he issued a public statement, he didn't even bother to pick up the phone.

Meanwhile, guess who benefits from Musharraf's being Our Man in Islamabad?

A poll in September by Terror Free Tomorrow, a Washington-based nonprofit group, showed that Osama bin Laden was more popular in Pakistan than General Musharraf, with 46 percent of respondents giving him a “favorable” rating against 38 percent for the president. Ms. Bhutto got a “favorable” rating from 63 percent. The nationwide poll surveyed 1,044 adults and had a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points.
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