October 16, 2006

 Why they hate us, part 23.b.6

Every great civilization has a characteristic sport by which its young men learn life skills, build character, and gain in moral standing. From Genghis Khan's polo to the cricket that made possible the British Empire's greatest era to go in Japan to the American present, where our great country learns its courage and principles from pro wrestling...wait a minute, that's not what I meant...football, that's right: the clean, uncommercialized contest of college football, where the rules are the rules and the scholar-athletes embody the best of our youth. From the elite private schools to the great democratic state universities, football guides and inspires generation after generation to chivalry, moderation, and courage. A national sport of the right kind spreads its purity and nobility from the players to everyone associated with it, too, including its interpreters and scribes.

Eat your heart out world; we have it and you don't and that's why we're the best.


Are you seriously claiming that what's wrong with the notoriously corrupt, exploitative multibillion-dollar college football cartel is that many of the players it cruelly abuses for profit also happen to be violent thugs?

Posted by: Dan Simon at October 16, 2006 09:54 PM

Aren't you giving aid and comfort to our enemies by suggesting that any real American could think such a thing?

Posted by: Michael O'Hare at October 16, 2006 10:17 PM

What does Deb Frisch's behavior tell us about the moral fiber of bloggers?

Posted by: Joel at October 17, 2006 07:09 AM

You should see our professional footballers. Leeds footballers beat a local Asian man to bits in front of witnesses, and were found not guilty by a local jury... the Asian (Pakistani) man says his family received death threats for testifying.

of course, if we are losing in cricket to Pakistan, we get them disqualified for tamping the ball...

Posted by: Valuethinker at October 19, 2006 12:03 AM
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