April 07, 2008

 Full audio of Jeremiah Wright's Jeremiad ...

... is here. It's a magnificent sermon on the 137th Psalm. Its theme is letting go of historical anger, not letting reverence turn into revenge, or worship into war, or thoughts of paying tithes to thoughts of paying back, or hatred for armed enemies to hatred of unarmed innocents.

The immediate application is to American rage at the Islamic world over the 9/11. The World Trade Center and the Pentagon become Jerusalem, and 9/11 becomes "the day of Jerusalem's fall." But the well-marked subtext is about black rage at white injustice, which must not be allowed to spill into violence against the innocent.

"How could Barack Obama have listened to preaching like this for 20 years?" Listen for yourself.

Update And here's the "God Damn America" sermon. A fair amount of nonsense: 94% of "the people on the face of this Earth" do not "live in poverty and squalor." But not a breath of racism.

Long before there was a Red White and Blue colonisation, the Egyptian government was doing colonisation. They colonised half the continent of Africa, they colonised parts of the Mediterranean. All colonisers ain’t White. Turn to your neighbour and say “oppressors come in all colours.” Hello, hello, hello.
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