January 03, 2008

 Vegan Cane Sugar?

I like to think that I'm pretty sympathetic to vegetarianism: it's superior on environmental and moral grounds, and so even if I'm not there yet, I can see why people would advocate for it.

But I think we're getting a little ridiculous here.

Last night, my wife brought home a package of what was labeled as "Vegan Cane Sugar." Vegan? What kind of sugar isn't vegan? Does most sugar have meat or dairy products in it? Maybe something about honey being a product of bees?

If someone could enlighten me on this, I'd appreciate it. In the meantime, I declare this a Vegan Weblog.

UPDATE: That was fast. A reader writes in:

Some super-strict vegans will not use sugar if the activated charcoal used in the filtration process was or might have been made from bones. (To give some idea how far-removed it is from an actual animal, it's kosher pareve.)

Who knew? I still say we're a Vegan Weblog.

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