June 09, 2008


Jonathan Martin has caught up with the story on McCain's inability to remember Friday what he said to a national audience on Tuesday, and it's fair to say that Martin is not pleased. The McCain staff, which seems to be running for the third Bush term stylistically as well as substantively, tries to explain away the facts, and Martin isn't having any.

That seems to me a bad, bad mistake by the McCainites; their credibility with Martin should have been more important to them than spinning this particular story.

Still, so far this has made much less of a fuss than it should have, perhaps because the second comment, unlike the first, isn't on video. Keep hammering.

Footnote: One of Martin's commenters tries to deny that McCain criticized the media, but the speech as delivered matches the text word for word.

The media often overlooked how compassionately she spoke to the concerns and dreams of millions of Americans, and she deserves a lot more appreciation than she sometimes received.

And the question that sparked McCain's indignant denial wasn't about whether he had criticized the press, it was about whether "you felt that the media hadn’t recognized or had overlooked some of the attributes that Hillary Clinton had brought to the race."

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