Peggy Noonan, reflecting on why just about everyone these days loathes and despises George W. Bush:
I'm not referring to what used to be called Bush Derangement Syndrome. That phrase suggested that to passionately dislike the president was to be somewhat unhinged. No one thinks that anymore. [emphasis added]
I'm glad to hear it. (Quick! Someone tell Krauthammer and Don Surber and their fan Glenn Reynolds.) It feels good to be sane again.
But I have a question for Noonan and the other folks who have finally stopped drinking the Kool-Aid: When did I stop being crazy? When did it become consistent with sanity to notice that we are ruled by combination of fool, fanatic, bully, and weakling? Or is it barely possible that what "no one thinks anymore" was never the case, and that the derangement was on the other side?
If anyone on the Right, including Noonan, challenged the rhetorical tactic of questioning the mental health of Bush's critics, I must have missed it. Consider that the next time Wingnutistan picks itself a target.
I'm not expecting an apology. But would just a little bit of self-reflection, prompting just a little bit of humility, be too much to ask? I suppose it would.
h/t Andrew Sullivan
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