June 13, 2007

 When thieves fall out ...

It's hard to believe that I could actually enjoy reading an Ann Coulter column. But if there's any lovelier sight than different factions of the right wing turning on one another the style of vicious, dishonest attack they have perfected through constant practice on liberals, I can't think of what it might be. Now that GWB has suggested that opponents of the immigration bill aren't thinking about "what's right for America," people like Coulter are responding in kind. And of course some of them, Coulter included, are both smarter and meaner than he is:


President Bush was so buoyed by the warm reception he was given in Albania that he immediately gave all 3 million Albanians American citizenship, provided they learn Spanish. The offer was withdrawn when Bush found out most Albanians haven't broken any U.S. laws.

Bush keeps claiming he's dying to enforce the border, but he just can't do it unless we immediately grant amnesty to 12 million illegal aliens. I wonder if that worked on Laura Bush:

Laura: George, it's time you quit drinking.

George: OK, honey, let's discuss it over cocktails.

And that's just for starters. Coulter goes on to accuse Bush of favoring drug smugglers over Border Patrol agents because the Justice Department (entirely correctly) prosecuted two Border Patrol agents who shot an unarmed suspect in the back and then filed a false report. (Naturally, Coulter manages to lie up a storm about the case. The prosecutor's account is here; since he managed to convince a West Texas jury to convict a pair of Border Patrol agents who shot a drug smuggler, I have to guess that the proof of guilt was airtight.)

Coulter doesn't call the Beloved Leader a "fag": yet. But be patient. It takes her a while to get warmed up.

Oh, and Mr. President? What goes around, comes around. Some call it the Law of Karma.

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