April 28, 2007

 Abstinence from governing

Well, doesn't this about sum it up. The government is paying ideologues to lie to kids about sex, and they know it, having been repeatedly informed of the facts. Then it lies about lying: "I do want to note that our abstinence programs have been, and will continue to be, medically accurate..."

Abstinence-only programs don't affect sexual behavior worth a hoot, so the $176 million probably doesn't do too much damage. On the benefit side, it allows advocates to preen and prance around in morality raiments, which is catnip for them. And of course it employs the right sort of people, who might otherwise have to do something useful for a living, or even go to Regent Law School. The kids could be learning something really dangerous during this class time, like doing their own thinking, or evolution, or stuff their parents never needed to know that just makes the kids uppity and sassy, so there may be additional indirect benefit.

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