March 01, 2008

 The Goeglein plagiarism case

Note to newspaper editors:

Try TurnItIn.

Footnote Walter Williams, who teaches economics at George Mason when he's not filling in for Rush Limbaugh on the radio or spreading conspiracy theories about climate change, makes something of a fool of himself in comments on the original Nancy Nall post. His argument, if you unpack it, is the Goeglein should have been allowed to get a new job on the false pretense that he hadn't been caught in serial plagiarism, and that the newspaper should have covered up the fact that it had been running plagiarized material. Nall's failure to assist such a cover-up makes her personally responsible for the fact that Goeglein's children now have an unemployed father.

Rather an odd stance for an academic, no? And I would have thought that a conservative would attribute the blame for criminality and its consequences to the criminal, not the police officer or the prosecutor. But IAOKIYAR, I guess.

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