Religion and Politics Archive

May 08, 2008

 Mine eyes have seen the glory

The Battle Hymn of the Republic as an exemplar of jihadist feeling.

April 20, 2008

 What explains the moral probity of the Italian clergy?

Sexual abuse by Catholic priests in the US, and the church's decades of serving the perpetrators parish after parish of unwarned victims, has bankrupted dioceses, driven bishops from office, and devastated thousands of the faithful. Remarkably, there has been almost no such history in Italy. Obviously, the Catholic hierarchy in that country comprises nothing but righteous and upright men, not...

 A physicist's casual aside reminds us that we have much to live up to this Passover 2008.

A physicist's casual aside about elaborate calculations performed while in hiding from the Nazis reminds us that we have much to live up to this Passover 2008.

April 07, 2008

 Full audio of Jeremiah Wright's Jeremiad ...

... available on line. Magnificent! If you want to know "how Barack Obama could listen to those sermons for 20 years," listen for yourself.

March 23, 2008

 Georgian Opposition Hunger Force

Why is hunger striking "un-Christian"?

 As a vertebrate, I believe...

Response to Michael O'Hare on Kmiec on identity

March 21, 2008

 How fair was that trial?

Jesus' trials were fairer than GITMO ones.

March 20, 2008

 Odium anti-theologicum?

Why is anyone who suggests that Democratic politicians get less tone-deaf in dealing with high-religiosity voters treated as if he or she had farted in church?

March 06, 2008

 "We are simply selling our souls"

Abe Foxman and his fellow professional Jews are disgracing themselves over the John Hagee affair.

February 29, 2008

 Althouse on McCain and Hagee

Ann Althouse wonders why her candidate is embracing bigotry.

February 28, 2008

 Why we all can't just get along

Pastor John Hagee is a bigot, and his bigotry against Catholicism ought to force John McCain to disown him. But that in that bigotry he is merely being true to the Reformation roots of Protestantism. Tolerance counsels us to ignore the theological beliefs of our fellow-citizens when they are merely false, bizarre, or silly. But there are limits to the tolerance that ought to be accorded the intolerant: even if their intolerance reflects their religious beliefs.

February 17, 2008

 Welcome Kosovo ..

Kosovo's independence, the fruit of Serb victimhood.

February 16, 2008

 The dog that doesn't bark in Georgia

Georgia's richest and most controversial man was Jewish. So?

February 10, 2008

 Armageddon warmer?

What is it with this meshuggenah James Q. Wilson?

February 09, 2008

 A mite bit obscure

Do you understand Huckabeese?

February 04, 2008

 Biblical criticism

Do right-wing Catholics and fundamentalists simply have a different Bible than the rest of us?

February 02, 2008

 Reacción Católica

A letter to the Spanish press objecting to the partisan intervention of the Spanish Catholic bishops in the March elections.

 In comicus veritas

The best commentary on anti-contraception lunacy is in a cartoon.

January 27, 2008

 Exegesis Saves

Sometimes a penny is just change.

December 07, 2007

 Legitimate inference from faith

It appears Mitt Romney has really stepped in it, with a speech so unctuous and contrived that it felt actually smarmy, not to mention a deeply reprehensible attempt to raise a smug sectarian alliance of one-Godly Babbitts against a subversive legion of more- or fewer-Godlies. Even David Brooks is ready to leave him at the station for that speech. More...

 More on Mitt the Bigot

It's not just atheists he wants to exclude: Hindus, Buddhists, pagans, and practitioners of Native American traditions also need not apply.

December 06, 2007

 This is scary

... but for once I have to agree with David Brooks. Mitt Romney's speech on religion was pretty slimy.

 One more thing Huckabee got wrong

With Mike Huckabee's other troubles, this hasn't gotten as much press. But here is a recent statement regarding gay marriage (h/t Devilstower @ Kos): GQ: Is the strategy shifting because social conservatives are losing on those core issues? Ten years ago, it would have been unimaginable to have gay marriage even in liberal Massachusetts. Now it's there. Huckabee: I don't...

December 02, 2007

 Against anti-fundamentalist bigotry

Nonbelievers should leave religious bigotry to those to whom it comes naturally.

September 10, 2007

 The good news ...

... is that the Bureau of prisons isn't actually *burning* the religious books not on its "approved" list.

August 12, 2007

 Live by the sword ...

If Mitt Romney thinks that atheists are unfit to hold office, then he has no kick coming if someone else says that Mormons are unfit to hold office.

August 08, 2007

 Perfect pitch: Obama talks to the religious right

An awe-inspiring performance. I'd like the bigoted atheists to read it carefully.

July 27, 2007

 "No religious test" dep't

Fr. Richard John Neuhaus says Mormonism is "a false religion" and that non-Mormon Christians are justified in voting against Romney to keep it from spreading. No, really.

July 19, 2007

 Religion, civility, and public discourse

If religious ideas are going to enter political discourse then they can't be immune from criticism. But smart criticism is more helpful than ignorant criticism.

July 16, 2007

 Pope Benedict and the Christianist alliance

Does Pope Bingo's anti-ecumenical moves threaten the Christianist alliance?

July 13, 2007

 Rudy vs. the Church

A fight I hope both sides lose. But it's nice to see conservative Catholics calling Rudy on his support of torture.

June 18, 2007


A Pakistan minister blasphemously justifies suicide bombing to defend the Prophet's honour.

June 06, 2007

 A half-intelligent design

Should ID be taught as part of the history of science? Yes and no.

June 04, 2007

 Low blow

The Roman Catholic Bishop of Rhode Island compares Rudy Giuliani to Pontius Pilate. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy, of course. But ... ick!

May 06, 2007

 Karl Rove an atheist? Spare me!

It's just another Rovian trick to make atheists look bad.

May 04, 2007

 Let's you and him fight

You know a movement is in bad trouble when Derbyshire is its voice of reason. George Gilder accuses those of his fellow-conservatives who believe in natural selection of "toadying to ... storm troopers," because "Nazism and communism were inspired by Darwinism." Isn't it lovely to watch the Red Team self-destructing this way?

April 28, 2007

 Abstinence from governing

Well, doesn't this about sum it up. The government is paying ideologues to lie to kids about sex, and they know it, having been repeatedly informed of the facts. Then it lies about lying: "I do want to note that our abstinence programs have been, and will continue to be, medically accurate..." Abstinence-only programs don't affect sexual behavior worth a...

April 15, 2007

 Good news for atheists and Democrats.
    Bad news for nativists.

Latinos are leaving the Catholic Church as they assimilate.

April 14, 2007

 Religious bigotry at NIH

Who hired a raging anti-Semitic and anti-Catholic bigot as the head chaplain at the NIH Clinical Center? Who fired the witnesses who testified against him at the Merit Systems Protection Board hearing that found he had discriminated against rabbis and priests working for him? Why do any of these people still have jobs?

April 11, 2007

 Implementation analysis

Yes, schoolchildren should know about the Bible. But how likely is it that we'll be able to keep Bible class from turning into a little fundamentalist madrassa, especially in the places where "putting God back in the schools" has the greatest political appeal?

April 08, 2007

 Concerning the word "Christian"

When the Republican ayatollahs use the word "Christian," they mean strictly their brand of evangelical Protestantism. Reporters should make that clear.

April 07, 2007

 Department of "Huh?"

Amitai Etzioni makes a reasonable argument that education that stresses a non-jihadist version of Islam will probably do more good in Islamic countries such as Iraq than purely secular education. But surely Etzioni doesn't really believe that leaving religion out of the curriculum is the same as "providing no values education." That's as silly as believing that all religious education fosters bigotry.

March 20, 2007

 God is not mocked

Massachusetts, home of public notorious and habitual blue voting, liberal free-thinking and gay-marriage-and-congressman-enabling, not to mention being a sinkhole of universities full of atheists and godless lefties, has, praise all that's holy, received a completely unambiguous punishment from a just Providence. The citizens of this latter-day Gomorrah have been sentenced to two full years additional residence in their self-made hell....

March 15, 2007

 Another liberal MSM coverup

Pete Stark's admission of atheism was well covered in the godless liberal media, but I cannot find a single report that tells us whether he was swallowed up by the earth opening beneath him or (the only other possibility) incinerated by a lightning bolt. Who is covering up? Nothing here either, nor here; it's an enormous conspiracy of the impious...

March 14, 2007

 Separation of church and state

The final scene of Animal Farm really has legs. As it's replayed yet again with yet another cast, we see the features of the reactionary self-appointed gatekeepers of Christian doctrine blur into those of the reactionary self-appointed gatekeepers of Islam as they all collapse the idea of morality into suppressing sex by anyone not married to a person of the...

March 13, 2007

 The Christian closet

Why are evangelical Christians who teach at top-rank universities "in the closet" about their beliefs?

March 10, 2007

 The white evangelical schism

The return of the "social gospel"?

March 04, 2007

 Barack Obama and the "religious left"

Obama shows how the thing is done.

February 25, 2007

 Romney's great-grandfather's wives: why is this news?

I thought Americans judged one another by their actions, not their ancestors. The AP seemingly disagrees.

February 18, 2007

 No Christianist votes for Rudy or Newt?

That's what Southern Baptist bigwig Richard Land says. I hope he's right.

 Bigot v. bigot

Mitt Romney has no objection to religious bigotry, as long as he's in the in-group.

February 14, 2007

 In defense of the "religious left"

Democrats deserve a bigger slice of the born-again vote, and it's probably available if we learn how to ask nicely.

January 31, 2007

 Anti-clericalism in America

Desire for less influence of organized religion up almost 50% during the Bush years, from 22% to 32%. Desire for more influence down from 30% to 27%. Hallelujah!

November 18, 2006

 Football and the elections

Despite my general disrespect for big-time college football, I watched a fair amount of The Game, The Game, and Cal-USC today, and a generally miserable experience it was. Shockingly, the outcomes of the first and third of these were determined with absolutely no reference to moral desserts, truth and goodness, or any higher principle. It was simply a matter of...

November 13, 2006

October 11, 2006

 Faith-based pork

An expose of the White House Faith-Based Programs office from its former deputy director.

August 27, 2006

 What "Christian" means to the Christianists

When Katherine Harris said that electing people who weren't "Christian" would lead to "legislating sin," she wasn't attacking Jews; she was attacking mainstream Protestants and liberal Catholics.

August 17, 2006

 Religiosity and morality

Does God benefit from a double standard?

August 02, 2006

 Intelligent voters vs. "intelligent design"

Kansans turn out to be smarter than Ann Coulter.

July 06, 2006

 Ecumenical bigotry

What can Christians, Muslims, and Jews agree on in the Holy Land? Why, gay-baiting, of course.

May 20, 2006

 Maciel and the Pope

If I have the Maciel story right, he was given a rather mild punishment, sort of a quiet retirement with no heavy lifting, at the very end of his life, for unspeakably bad behavior, with no resolution of whether he actually did anything bad. What in the world is going on here? (1) We couldn't figure out whether he did...