HRC Archive

May 05, 2008


By proposing the gas tax holiday, an idea only a fool or an ignoramus could take seriously, Hillary Clinton has advertised to the world that she thinks her voters are easy marks. Some of them probably resent it, or could be encouraged to do so. And the same goes for John McCain in the general election: the press has already more or less announced that the idea is bogus.

May 04, 2008

 Pandering as a character issue

What do "obliterate Iran" and the gas tax holiday tell us about HRC's character, the quality of her experience, and her fitness to be President?

 HRC in 2005: 50 years in Iraq would be just peachy-keen

HRC on Face the Nation, 2005: Senator McCain made the point earlier today, which I agree with, and that is, it's not so much a question of time when it comes to American military presence for the average American; I include myself in this. But it is a question of casualties. We don't want to see our young men and women dying and suffering these grievous injuries that so many of them have. We've been in South Korea for 50-plus years. We've been in Europe for 50-plus. We're still in Okinawa with respect to protection there coming out of World War II.

 Not a gaffe

No, she meant to say "obliterate Iran." Cowboy diplomacy joins voodoo economics to make a sort of synthetic Republican.

May 03, 2008


Hillary Clinton says her gasoline tax holiday will help farmers, who don't pay tax on fuel used on the farm.

May 02, 2008

 The Clinton campaign vs. the Gucci-wearing pansies

HRC is down with Republican style faux populism.

 The Republican war on science, continued?

For going on eight years now, we have had a White House that profoundly believes that politics trumps reality, and that the Presidency carrries with it the right and the obligation to ignore inconvenient facts. People in the Bush White House say things like: We believe the presidency requires leadership. There are times that a president will take a position...

May 01, 2008

 Questions for Hillary Rodham Clinton

What did she know, and when did she know it, about Sid Blumenthal's emails? And what does his conduct say about her managerial capacity and competence as a judge of character?

 Dinde Clinton et dindon Obama à la sauce Krugman

Contra Krugman, there's a good campaign parallel between health care and climate change.

April 29, 2008

 The Gas Tax Holiday

Six reasons why it's a terrible idea.

April 25, 2008

 The Leviathan speaks

Thomas Hobbes on races and prizes, including primaries.

March 27, 2008

 NPR frames itself

NPR stokes the liberal-bias canard.

March 25, 2008


No matter how much of a Hillary-hater I am, at least I'd never consort with Richard Mellon Scaife or use his newspaper as a vehicle for a political attack.

March 18, 2008


John McCain just gave Hillary Clinton a good excuse for taking back her comment that he was ready to be Commander-in-Chief. Will she take it?


Hillary Clinton does the right thing.

March 17, 2008

 It's a floor wax and a dessert topping

I thought Bush was going to ban human hybridization.

March 16, 2008

 A good Mayor of Birmingham

Hillary Clinton is like Neville Chamberlain - not the way you'd think

March 10, 2008

 McCain v. Hillary, redux

No, it's not just the Supreme Court.

March 08, 2008

 Hilzoy on Hillary and Rwanda

HRC seems to be fibbing about her role in the Rwandan crisis. No wonder Samantha Power, who literally wrote the book on that crisis, should think of the world "monster" in describing HRC. And no wonder HRC and her minions were so eager to keep throwing mud at Power even after she had resigned. The truth hurts.


McCain surrogate launches full-throated attack on Obama's heritage. Will the Clinton campaign be smart enough to respond?

 The truth hurts

Hillary Clinton's handlers have been padding her foreign-policy resume. Her purported advocacy of action by the US to stop the Rwandan genocide left no trace in any contemporary record, and isn't mentioned in her memoir, in her husband's, or in Madeline Albright's.

 Opportunity knocks

Looking forward to Obama's anti-torture speech.

March 07, 2008

 Question for Hillary Clinton

Does Hillary Clinton think that someone who believes that the CIA should employ torture is fit to be Commander-in-Chief?

March 06, 2008

 More praise for Hillary Clinton

Hillary has kind words for the man who called her daughter an ugly bastard. Truly, she must be a saint!

 Hillary's consistency

Having done her best to keep the "Obama is a Muslim" smear alive, HRC has refrained from criticizing McCain's embrace of that world-class bigot, Pastor John Hagee.



March 02, 2008

 Are you experienced?

Does spring break in Cabo count as foreign-policy experience?

February 28, 2008

 This may cause a little discomfort

Obama is right to propose federal spending on electronic medical records.

February 25, 2008

 Another fake scandal

Newsday goes after HRC for serving as a court-appointed attorney for the indigent defendant in a rape case 40 years ago.

February 19, 2008

 Lost in space

To the moon, Hillary!

February 18, 2008

 What Hilzoy said

For someone running on competence, HRC is running an astonishingly inept campaign.

February 16, 2008

 Bizarro world

What if Hillary had been born a poor black child in Mississippi?

February 08, 2008

 Quick quiz ...

Which candidate is against the use of cluster bombs? Which candidate was just endorsed by David Obey, the liberals' liberal?

February 03, 2008

 "And now abideth ... these three" ... but not with HRC?

So far, HRC is 0-for-2 on the theological virtues, having spoken ill of both faith and hope. Is charity next?

February 02, 2008

 Concerning spine and clean needles

Needle exchange for addicts is like driver's licenses for illegals. The merits point one way, the politics point the other way. Guess which of the two Democratic candidates is facing the right way?

January 31, 2008

 And the painted ponies go up and down

Obama's half-sister seems ok. Hillary's brothers are classic presidential siblings.

 "I'm always proud of Wal-Mart"

That's the voice of Hillary Clinton, speaking as a Wal-Mart board member in 1990. Now she says she's learned better.

December 17, 2007

 "A liar needs a good memory"

Mark Penn says Billy Shaheen voluntarily resigned from the Clinton campaign. Billy Shaheen says that Billy Shaheen voluntarily resigned from the Clinton campaign. Hillary Rodham Clinton says that Billy Shaheen was fired from the Clinton campaign.

December 14, 2007

 (Im)plausible deniability

HRC apologizes to Obama for a smear against him by her New Hampshire co-chair. Mark Penn then goes on TV and says "cocaine," just in case anyone had forgotten the substance of the smear.

December 12, 2007

 Defending Hillary

Why shouldn't a Democrat preview Republican talking points against a rival and try to suppress the youth vote?

November 14, 2007

 Am I deranged?

Yes, there's lots of irrational Clinton-hatred in the world. But it's not deranged to fear the prospect of four or eight more years of carefully crafted half-lies from the White House.

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