Foreign Policy Archive

September 05, 2008

 Foreign Policy and the Next President

After a week of tabloid voyeurism--I mean election watching-- I'm getting serious. I spent the past several months examining the Bush foreign policy legacy and the 2008 election, interviewing academics and top foreign policy officials from the past three presidential administrations. What I found was surprising: America’s forty-third president may go down as one of the most criticized in American...

August 20, 2008

 Obama, McCain contrast on Russia

Gerald Seib points out it's not so much the response to the 3am phone call -- it's the policies that may help avoid the crisis and make it more or less manageable that distinguish the candidates.

August 12, 2008

 Putin, power worship, and the right

Evil is not more powerful than good. To defeat Putin, we needn't become like Putin.

August 11, 2008

 Is there anything to DO about Georgia?

Plan A: Admit Georgia to NATO membership, and tell Saakashvili we'll protect his independence but he can forget about South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Plan B: Admit Ukraine to NATO and ask Putin how he likes THEM apples.

August 10, 2008

 Bush-Cheney failures and Russian Imperialism

Russian Imperialism has been enabled by Bush/Cheney policy disasters.


That's what it's called when a big country sends tanks into the territory of a smaller neighbor, blockades its costs, bombs one of its cities, and demands that its elected leader step aside as the price of peace.

June 27, 2008

 Sinews of war

A European rival to the Lockheed Hercules military transport plane.

May 01, 2008

 An entangling alliance

The standoff in Abkhazia continues, and the rhetoric escalates. Whether arms and men are also building up, I couldn’t tell you, but you can find someone to posit whatever you want to be true. Russia started this latest dustup in reaction to NATO’s assuring Georgia of an offer of membership…some day. (By the Caucasian version of Occam’s Razor—never adduce a...

April 27, 2008

 No time to go wobbly

US policy on Georgia is bipartisan. Europe's is bipolar.

April 20, 2008

 We will bury you, all in due time

Russia's Ambassador to NATO isn't looking to make friends.

April 19, 2008

 Obama's silence echoes in Tbilisi

Obama is silent on Russian aggression.

March 27, 2008

 Mad Liberalism

Won't someone stop the hybrid-foreign-policy madness?

March 20, 2008

 Snoopery doggedness

Wayward State Department contractors? I'm shocked--shocked!

March 15, 2008

March 10, 2008

  Alles klar Frau Kommissar?

Angela Merkel thinks Georgia shouldn't be in NATO. Well, isn't that special?

March 08, 2008

 Crazy, sure. So crazy it just might work.

Abe Lincoln, always with the wild ideas.

March 07, 2008

 Will to Power

Samantha Power resigns.

 It's 3 a.m.--do you know where your campaign adviser is?

Susan Rice, the Bulworth of campaign advisers.

March 02, 2008

 Are you experienced?

Does spring break in Cabo count as foreign-policy experience?

February 29, 2008

 Straight dope on Russia

One-stop shopping on the new Russia.

February 24, 2008

 All politics is domestic

MSM campaign coverage doesn't pay enough attention to foreign policy. Those stories on how much crappy food they have to eat in Iowa don't just write themselves.

February 22, 2008

 And so it goes in Belgrade

Serbia never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

February 19, 2008

 Precedent George H.W. Bush

Obama is now channeling Bush 41? Come again?

February 15, 2008

 What's wrong with foreign-policy "realism"

American interests include, and require, earning the love and respect of the rest of the planet rather than its hatred and fear.

February 14, 2008

 Feint praise

A reply to Jonathan Z., on McCain's dunce cap.

February 13, 2008

 Stop using gas as a weapon

Bad cop, worse cop in the Kremlin.

February 07, 2008

 From Russia with scorn

McCain is the candidate Russians love to hate.

January 27, 2008

 ...and Cher Is My Favorite Singer

Yerevangelism on the campaign trail.

January 22, 2008

 Democratize This

Democracy promotion is not a bad idea just because George W. Bush says it's a good one.

January 16, 2008

 Get Realist

There's a good reason why so few foreign-policy realists get high-profile commentator gigs--but they're not an empty set.

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