Clash of Civilizations Archive

April 23, 2008

 Yeah-what-he-said Dep't

Charlie Cook: "The good news for Hillary Rodham Clinton is that she’s winning a lot of battles. The bad news is that the war is pretty much lost."

March 15, 2008

 Rock on Christian soldiers

Matthew Yglesias (his girlfriend, actually) reviews Rapture Ready!: Adventures in the Parallel Universe of Christian Pop Culture.Making fun of Christain pop culture is easy--there's a lot that deserves to be made fun of. What makes Rapture Ready worthwhile is that Radosh--a secular Jew--goes beyond mockery to engage seriously with Christian believers who make, consume, and even criticize Christian pop culture,...

February 22, 2008

 Motherhood, apple pie, and Kosovo

Left, Right, and Lunar all agree on Kosovo.

 And so it goes in Belgrade

Serbia never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

February 13, 2008

 Stop using gas as a weapon

Bad cop, worse cop in the Kremlin.

February 19, 2007

 Glenn Reynolds and genocide

If you say that genocide might be "the military strategy we'll have to follow in five or ten years," and that it will be "unavoidable," you shouldn't be surprised if people think you're not unalterably opposed to it.

August 06, 2006

 Culture and communication

Before I first spent a significant time in Italy, I had the great good fortune to read Barzini's The Italians (still a font of useful and relevant insights after thirty years) and Edward T. Hall's pair of books about cultural aspects of time and space, The Hidden Dimension and The Silent Language. Hall probably saved my life at a party...

February 20, 2006

 Free David Irving

David Irving is a zit on the face of the historical profession, a right-wing Nazi sympathizer whose works have been demolished by real scholars, a racist Holocaust denier who deserves all the hatred and ridicule he has received over his career. But he should not be in jail. The Islamo-fascists are going to have a field day with this one:...

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