August 20, 2008
Obama, McCain contrast on Russia
Gerald Seib points out it's not so much the response to the 3am phone call -- it's the policies that may help avoid the crisis and make it more or less manageable that distinguish the candidates.
August 18, 2008
McCain's smoothness at Saddleback--another take
Jim Fallows has a useful take on McCain's relatively smooth (can you say stump speech?) performance at Saddleback.
McCain's Saddleback deception
A Megan McArdle commenter on McCain's shenanigans:
"His performance didn't look so good when I suspected the performer was a cheating liar."
August 17, 2008
Three cheerful Sunday columns
Rich on McCain, Robinson on Corsi, Broder on the Obama organization.
August 15, 2008
The definitive "McCain is Bush III" video
Did you know that McCain's Senate record of support for Bush had risen every year since 2005, and that the figure for 2008 is 100%?
Getting on offense
Let's use the Corsi controversy to publicize the books that tell the truth about John McCain.
August 14, 2008
August 13, 2008
"A severe character defect"
Joe Klein calls out John McCain and the new Swiftboaters.
August 12, 2008
A Steven Colbert speech at the Convention? Why not?
"Nobody likes a funeral"
That would be the funeral in Minneapolis, where the guest of honor will get out of his coffin long enough to make an acceptance speech.
Self-reliance ...
... doesn't seem to be one of the "family values" John McCain wants to uphold.
August 10, 2008
Bush-Cheney failures and Russian Imperialism
Russian Imperialism has been enabled by Bush/Cheney policy disasters.
Et tu, Fox? Then fall, McCain!
Chris Wallace *nails* Rick Davis.
August 07, 2008
Press(ur)ing an advantage
Should the Obama campaign put out tire gauges with the Obama logo? Why not?
August 06, 2008
Good question
Why does the Paris Hilton energy video contain more substantive energy policy than the McCain video it responds to?
Obama fantasy speech #4
The American people have taken the oil-price problem into their own hands: they're driving less, and more efficiently. John McCain and the oil companies don't like it.
August 05, 2008
"Change you can photo-shop"
Yes, in fact John McCain's campaign made an attack video mocking the idea of Obama's picture on the $100 bill. But of course when he said that his opponents would make a fuss about the fact that he didn't look like all the other guys on the money, that was just Obama's paranoia and race-baiting.
Obama 47, McCain 41
That's the latest from the AP-Ipsos Poll, conducted over five days from 7/31-8/4. Obama's bouncing back a little as well on the Gallup tracker, now at Obama +4. Relax. And keep doing more of this. And this. UPDATE: The AP poll may have oversampled Democrats. As always, however, Alan Abramowitz is around to give some more reality to things. Bottom...
August 02, 2008
John McCain as Britney Spears
Britney Spears is a fading celebrity. John McCain is a fading celebrity.
Barack Obama is a rising star.
McCain's presumption
Who was it who claimed to be "the American president Americans have been waiting for"?
August 01, 2008
Joe Klein sees the light
"A few months ago, I wrote that John McCain was an honorable man and he would run an honorable campaign. I was wrong."
July 30, 2008
LA Times on the McCain payroll
The LA Times' egregious Peter Nicholas--who as you may recall helped to write the worst 2008 campaign story so far--is at it again, covering up for McCain's lying ads. This is tiresome but necessary. First, notice that the entire piece--all of it--is about McCain's campaign ads. There is literally nothing of substance in the piece. Second, the article says: In...
July 28, 2008
Standing tall
Obama stays vague on chlorinated chickens.
July 26, 2008
A half-truth from the Obama campaign
Obama's spokesman says that John McCain's latest ad is a dishomorable act by an honorable man.
Only half of that statement is true.
July 23, 2008
FT columnist: generals prefer Obama to McCain on Iran
Explosive, if true. And you have to love the headline: "Obama for Commander-in-Chief."
July 21, 2008
Note to John McCain
When you talked about the border between Iraq and Afghanistan, that was a mistake.
When you talked about Barack Obama's announcement that he would attack Pakistan, that was a lie.
July 17, 2008
A Quibble: Clinton's Gas Tax Holiday was not so bad as McCain's
Mark is right that the press is giving McCain a free pass on the Gas Tax Holiday, compared to how they treated Sen. Clinton. But though they both deserved criticism, Sen. McCain's proposal is dumber than Senator Clinton's was, because she at least protected the fisc and didn't hand additional dollars to OPEC.
The "gas tax holiday" and objective journalism
It's a bogus idea. Why not report it that way?
July 16, 2008
McCain, confusion, aging, and ageism
McCain's cognitive capacities don't seem to be as strong as one would like in a President. It's not age discrimination to say so.
July 15, 2008
Riverboat John McCain ...
... is gambling that the press won't say that he's adopted Barack Obama's strategy: withdraw troops from Iraq in order to increase force levels in Afghanistan.
July 14, 2008
Al Hunt hammers McCain
Calls him on his economic b.s. Other reporters, please copy.
Obama finds a "lunch-pail" issue
Expect to hear more about Lilly Ledbetter's claim for equal pay, how the Supreme Court shot it down, and how John McCain voted against a legislative fix.
"Tasteless and Offensive" -- and sticky
The New Yorker satirical cartoon showing the terrorist fist bump in the Oval office would have been fine inside the magazine, but is a mistake on the cover, because it will unconsciously reinforce baseless (and base) stereotypes in many casual viewers. Most of those who will take the time to decode the cover and appreciate the satire will already be sophisticated observers and will not be moved by the satire.
July 13, 2008
Playing nice
A fantasy letter from Barack Obama to his supporters.
July 12, 2008
Obama and the "facts on the ground" in Iraq
When Obama is asked whether what he sees in Iraq changed his mind about what to do there, he should remind the questioners that an open-ended commitment in Iraq has costs here at home and around the world, and that a President is supposed to have a wider field of view than a theater commander.
July 11, 2008
McCain on net neutrality: No.
He thinks it fine that the telcos and the cable companies "control the pipe."
July 09, 2008
FISA: Another Perspective
Getting electronic surveillance under clearl statutory control within the Constitution is mroe important than any of the details in the curent legislation.
Halperin and Zick on FISA
Mort Halperin backs Obama on the FISA bill.
July 08, 2008
WARNING: This post is MEAN to John McCain
... because it quotes him accurately as calling Social Security "a disgrace."
Compare and contrast
Why was Hillary Clinton asked to provide expert support for the "gas tax holiday" while John McCain is allowed to keep pushing it without being challenged?
July 07, 2008
Outrage dep't: ERISA pre-emption
If your employer cheats your widow out of $426,000 she should have been able to collect on your life insurance, the courts won't do a thing about it.
Out in Sixteen Months -- Another Take
How Barack Obama should navigate the politics of Iraq, allowing him to become president and then execute a superior policy to that of either John McCain or George W. Bush, that actually might succeed in getting troops out of Iraq,
July 02, 2008
Telco immunity: Exhale!
There's less here than meets the eye. Obama still opposes telco immunity: though he will vote for the package containing it if that's what's on the table, he will also vote to strip that provision from the bill. The point of immunity from the BushCo perspective is to prevent the unveiling of its lawlessness in the discovery process; but President Obama could simply order an internal investigation.
Clark, McCain and the forms of courage
As the McCain-Clark dustup continues into its fourth day (mostly courtesy of McCain), it seems to me that there is one interesting way in which it reveals assumptions about Presidential qualifications. One could make a fairly plausible point about how being a POW would prepare someone for the Presidency: in a word, courage. It was courageous for McCain to fly...
Hillaryites for McCain, my @ss
PUMA PAC was founded by a woman whose sole prior political contribution had been to John McCain.
July 01, 2008
Latest must-have for Obama fans
Obama button with the slogan: "Bin Laden is still free. Are you?"
June 27, 2008
Classy Clinton
She's asking for money to pay the vendors, but she's walking away from the $12 million of her own money the campaign borrowed from her.
John McCain finds another crazy preacher
Asked to name an author who inspired him, John McCain chose "prosperity gospel" preacher Joel Osteen.
The underdog
McCain says he's going to pull the election out "in the last 48 hours." What's supposed to happen then?
June 24, 2008
One is an outlier. Two is a trend.
LAT/Bloomberg has Obama +12; adding Barr and Nader to the mix brings it to +15.
June 23, 2008
Step on a crack ...
John McCain's campaign headquarters occupies what used to be the thirteenth floor of an office building. He insisted on making it "The M Floor."
"It would be a big advantage to him"
That's what Charlie Black, John McCain's campaign guru, said about a terrorist attack on the U.S.: "him" being McCain.
The fundraising deal
Clinton's maxed-out donors can't help pay her campaign debt. Obama's can.
June 22, 2008
Expanding the playing field
The Obama campaign is going after Indiana.
June 20, 2008
Concerning outliers
Don't believe the Newsweek poll showing Obama with a fifteen-point lead. But don't believe the race is tied, either.
June 19, 2008
Ambinder on McCain on offshore drilling: Does not compute.
Marc Ambinder wonders whether John McCain's flip-flop on offshore drilling might be a reaction to new circumstances, rather than mere political cynicism. Ambinder lists our growing knowledge about climate change as one of those new circumstances. Huh?
June 17, 2008
PPP: Obama up by 11 in Ohio
"Unelectable"? I don't think so.
McCain campaign slimes Obama on terrorism policy
It turns out that on national security the McCain campaign's notion of discussing issues is Rovian name calling.
Update: Readers pitch in with additional substance.
June 16, 2008
Dogs-and-fleas Dep't
A key Hillaryite-for-McCain turns out to be an open racist.
June 13, 2008
Former Presidential candidate for rent
Rudy Giuliani will do fundraisers for Republican candidates: for a piece of the action.
June 12, 2008
"A slang term that many found offensive"
The question is, who DIDN'T find it offensive to refer to Michelle Obama as if she were the mother of Barack Obama's children as a result of a casual liaison rather than a marriage?
The bottom line
McCain's tax plans are good for the prosperous, the wealthy, and the filthy rich.
Obama's tax plans are good for the other 80%.
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""
dc:title=""Not that important""
dc:subject="Campaign 2008"
dc:description="McCain puts his foot in it again on Iraq. But even what he meant to say was wrong."