Barack Obama Archive

July 07, 2008

 Out in Sixteen Months -- Another Take

How Barack Obama should navigate the politics of Iraq, allowing him to become president and then execute a superior policy to that of either John McCain or George W. Bush, that actually might succeed in getting troops out of Iraq,

July 04, 2008

 Obama and FISA's Mother

How Obama can dig himself out of his FISA hole.

July 01, 2008

 Obama and Faith: Old Wine, New Bottle

Obama's speech today has gotten excellent reviews, and justifiably so. But looking at it, it's not really anything new. Consider this report from Beliefnet (h/t Sullivan): Obama's announcement today about wanting to expand President Bush's Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives into what he's calling a President's Council for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships . . . is so significant. Not...

June 27, 2008

 Obama's grace

A couple of graceful gestures say something about Obama's character.

June 24, 2008

 Filibustering FISA: Obama in a Box

Now that Chris Dodd and Russ Feingold have announced that they will attempt to filibuster the FISA faux "compromise" sent over from the House, Barack Obama has another very difficult choice to make with really no good answer. Presumably, he will vote for Harry Reid's amendment stripping retroactive telecom immunity from the bill. The Republicans will filibuster it. Then Reid,...

June 22, 2008

 Minority report

Foreigners have privacy rights too.

June 15, 2008

 The game of Presidents

Obama, Bush and Nixon as poker players.

June 08, 2008

 National Security Policy and Politics

Two articles in the June 12th New York Review of Books remind of us of the gulf between our politics and the reality of what is needed to manage the threat of terrorism. Is it hopelessly naive to think about what the Obama campaign could do to overcome this gulf? Or should it concentrate on beating McCain on the established terrain and transforming it once in office?

May 25, 2008

 Some advice to Barack Obama from Lao-tse

"Know the white, yet keep the black: be an example to the world."

May 23, 2008

 Obama on Bush: "negligent toward our friends, ineffective with our adversaries"

A bold, wise, and subtle speech to the Cuban-American National Foundation.

 Webb for VP

Over the last few weeks, there appears to have been something of a boomlet of support for naming Senator Jim Webb of Virginia the Democratic nominee for Vice-President. For what it’s worth, I think this is a potentially brilliant move, although I do have a few reservations. There are nine reasons I can think of why Webb would make a...

 Baruch Obama?

Note to wingnuts: Knowing the meaning of your own name is not "elitist." Not even if the meaning is "blessed."

May 16, 2008

 Striking back

Obama and a united Democratic Party hammer Bush and McCain on foreign policy.

May 08, 2008

 Milwaukee's worst

The hermeneutics of cheap beer.

May 04, 2008

 Time to vote

Obama needs 12,000 more donors to get to the goal of 1.5 million by Tuesday. Will you be one of them?

May 02, 2008

 Bill Moyers on Jeremiah Wright

Wright says crazy stuff. White preachers say crazier stuff, and it doesn't rub off on the Republican politicians who seek their support.

May 01, 2008

 Obama's Naivete

A month or so ago, my very smart and shrewd colleague at Maryland, Peter Levine and I, wrote the following op-ed, which we couldn't find an appropriate outlet for. It doesn't deal with exactly what's on the front pages today, but I think it speaks to some of the continuing--and reasonable--concerns about Barack Obama. Presented for your approval... Steven Teles...

 Dinde Clinton et dindon Obama à la sauce Krugman

Contra Krugman, there's a good campaign parallel between health care and climate change.

April 30, 2008

 Shorter Ross Douthat

If you really want to show Jeremiah Wright what a jerk you think he is, you should vote for Barack Obama.

April 25, 2008

 The Leviathan speaks

Thomas Hobbes on races and prizes, including primaries.

April 23, 2008

 "Weakness"? I don't think so

Barack Obama, in losing, got nearly twice as many votes in the Pennsylvania Democratic primary as anyone had ever gotten before.

April 22, 2008

 Note to Barack Obama

What are you doing spreading the lunacy about a link between vaccination and autism?

April 19, 2008

 Obama's silence echoes in Tbilisi

Obama is silent on Russian aggression.

April 17, 2008

 Obama, masculinity, blackness, and hoops

It's going to be hard to feminize a black candidate who plays a fine game of basketball.

 What Obama Should Have Said

Since he's going to keep getting the question: Q: Does Jeremiah Wright love America as much as you do? A: Well, Jeremiah Wright served his country as a United States Marine, and Dick Cheney made sure that he got out of serving in the military. So, I don't know whether he loves America as much as me, but he certainly...

 Lemonade dep't

What Barack Obama said today and what he might have said last night. He's entitled to be proud of himself for not accepting the questioner's invitation to beat up on Clinton over dodging sniper fire.

April 13, 2008


Barack Obama hits back at Hillary Clinton on the "bitter" flap.

April 08, 2008

 Just an empty suit, without expertise in foreign policy

Barack Obama, three years ago, demolishes Condi Rice on the shifting justifications for the War in Iraq and the links between tyranny and terrorism.

 Punk Baracker

Is Barack Obama a closet Bad Brains fan?

April 05, 2008

 The Lisbon primary

The taxi-driver primary in Lisbon goes overwhelmingly for Obama.

April 01, 2008

 Perfect pitch

Barack Obama speaks to Central Pennsylvania.

March 27, 2008

 Barack Obama, historian and Hamiltonian

He thinks historically rather than legally, and he identifies with Hamilton rather than Jefferson. Those are two fairly unusual features to find in a Democratic office-seeker.

March 25, 2008

 "First, be not afraid"

What if the Democrats stopped basing their foreign policy positions on fear what Republicans might say? What if America offered hope and dignity to the oppressed rather than making deals with their oppressors? The Obama foreign policy team proposes answers to both of those questions.

March 24, 2008

 "A place of moral leadership"

Jonathan Alter thinks that Barack Obama could help the nation "rearrange our mental furniture."

 "Voices carry"

Bill Parent: "There’s no reason to believe that Rev. Wright’s indignation is central to Obama’s politics or that it would guide his policies in a profound way. But Obama is, after all, African American. Historical anger is part of the intellectual, religious and political waters he learned to swim in, and it is a part of the American story that has never been directly represented in the White House before."

March 23, 2008

 A conservative embraces Obama

As any actual conservative (as opposed to a right-wing radical) must be tempted to do. What is more conservative than defending the Constitutional order against usurpation?

March 22, 2008

 Did Obama throw grandma under the bus? Not so much.

Glenn Loury, a Clinton supporter, is also a good listener.

March 21, 2008


Life doesn't get any more delicious moments than this. It's not evidence, it's not a poll, it's not substantive, but it's a big, gushy, well-deserved pie in the Clinton campaign's face and completely immune to quibbling, argument, you're-anothering, and spinning. [Hat tip: Greg Sargent/TPM] [Afterthought: is this the sort of thing that goes in an actress' or model's resumé -...

March 19, 2008

 Obama and the right

If Ross Douthat can figure it out, why can't Paul Krugman?

 "It is time, once again, for America to lead. "

Obama today: "The central front in the war against terror is not Iraq, and it never was. What more could America’s enemies ask for than an endless war where they recruit new followers and try out new tactics on a battlefield so far from their base of operations? That is why my presidency will shift our focus. Rather than fight a war that does not need to be fought, we need to start fighting the battles that need to be won on the central front of the war against al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan."

March 18, 2008

 "That is where the perfection begins"

Barack Obama had to say something about Jeremiah Wright, and came up with a superb meditation on race and reconciliation. I think he hit this one out of the park.

 Will Jeremiah Wright sink Barack Obama?

Glenn Loury thinks the Jeremiah Wright incident reveals an insoluble contradiction at the root of the Obama campaign. Unsurprisingly, I disagree. And I think there's a perfectly good extra-political explanation for Obama's refusal to leave his church in the face of the pastor's occasional "crazy uncle" behavior.

March 17, 2008

 It's a floor wax and a dessert topping

I thought Bush was going to ban human hybridization.

March 16, 2008

 A good Mayor of Birmingham

Hillary Clinton is like Neville Chamberlain - not the way you'd think

March 13, 2008

 Whiz grandkids

Obama has his own whiz kids.

March 10, 2008

 "The okey-doke"

Barack Obama isn't running for *vice* president of anything.

March 08, 2008

 Wyoming results

An 18-point win for Obama, on a turnout 10x that of four years ago.

 Opportunity knocks

Looking forward to Obama's anti-torture speech.

March 07, 2008

 Question for Hillary Clinton

Does Hillary Clinton think that someone who believes that the CIA should employ torture is fit to be Commander-in-Chief?

 The Math

If Obama wins by 10-point margins in Mississippi, Wyoming, North Carolina, South Dakota, Montana, Oregon, and Guam, splits Indiana and Michigan, and loses by 20-point margins in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky, Florida, and Puerto Rico, and HRC picks up all the Edwards delegates, Obama would still need less than one-quarter of the remaining uncommitted superdelegates to deny him the nomination. Seem hard to you? Me neither.

 Will to Power

Samantha Power resigns.

March 06, 2008

 "All in" for my good friend Barack

Obama's fundraising totals for February: $55m, 385,000 new donors. Now they're asking those who have given in the past to "go all in." Seems like a good time.

March 02, 2008


Obama seems to be able to get people to cheer for news they might not like hearing from someone else.

February 29, 2008


Obama co-sponsors legislation to remove any doubt about McCain's eligibility to be President.

February 28, 2008

 Anatomy of a smear: Obama and NAFTA

No, a senior member of the Obama campaign did not call the Canadian Ambassador to say "never mind" about Obama's call to renegotiate NAFTA. Even CTV's original source has now backed away from that claim: "perhaps a miscommunication." To cover its journalistic butt, CTV is now hinting darkly about a phone call from Austan Goolsbee, not a staffer but an academic adviser to Obama, not to the Ambassador but to someone in the Canadian Consulate-General in Chicago. John McCain, having frankly said he had no idea whether the original story was true, now pretends to believe it, and uses it to question Obama's integrity. Taylor Marsh and Larry Johnson side with McCain. Feh.

 This may cause a little discomfort

Obama is right to propose federal spending on electronic medical records.

February 26, 2008

 Obama as the Democrats' Reagan

Conservative Steven Hayes gets it right: Barack Obama is to liberalism as Ronald Reagan was to conservatism. He's not campaigning as a moderate; he's campaigning as a uniter. He's not diluting the liberal message; he's presenting liberalism as the common sense around which the country can come together.

February 25, 2008


Obama's donor count so far. Raising money this way IS campaign finance reform.

February 24, 2008

 Is Barack Obama black?

Obama is not an African-American, but an African American: what this means.

February 22, 2008

 Obama's platoon-leading captain: yes, he exists

... much to the wingnuts' discomfiture.

February 21, 2008

 Very afraid

I'll see your Giuliani and raise you an Edwards.