August 02, 2008

 McCain's presumption

A reader has a question for McCain far nastier than any of those I came up with:

Do you think it was presumptuous of you to claim to be "the American president Americans have been waiting for"?

In case anyone else has forgotten, as I had:

It strikes me that our side isn't as good as we might be, and not nearly as good as the other side, in whipping up pseudo-offense at remarks from our opponents.

John McCain is "the American president Americans have been waiting for"? In two hundred and twenty years we've never managed to produce a real American President until John McCain came along? We've had to make do with such un-American nonentities as Washington, Jackson, Lincoln, TR, and FDR, until St. John came to rescue us?

Oh, thank you, Your Heroic Majesty! Let's just skip the election and proceed directly to the anointment and the coronation.

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