Having opposed the Bush tax cuts because they were unfair distributionally and imprudent in the face of a war, John McCain now proposes to make the Bush cuts permanent, and add an equal dollar volume of even more distributionally unfair tax cuts, in the face of a war he intends to continue for another 100 years.
But don't worry: McCain's "economic adviser" promises that the Tooth Fairy will make it all better, and anyway we should wait for McCain to "flesh out" his proposals.
In fact, of course, McCain would have to propose massive spending cuts or tax increases sometime in the sweet by-and-by, presumably after the election, in order to meet his stated goal of a balanced budget by 2012.
Think about that the next time you hear a "progressive" explaining why if the Democrat he favors doesn't win the nomination, he's staying home or voting for Nader or voting Republican. Back in primary reality, this stuff counts, and temper tantrums don't.
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