January 22nd, 2008

Jake Tapper does a reporter’s job, and checks candidate assertions against facts. How unusual!

My $1000 is still out there. I’ll give it to the Clinton campaign if anyone can provide the “exact quote” she promised last night.

The facts are that [Obama] said in the last week that he really liked the ideas of the Republicans over the last 10 to 15 years, and we can give you the exact quote.

Back in consensus reality, Obama actually said exactly this:

We’re bogged down in the same arguments that we’ve been having, and they’re not useful. And, you know, the Republican approach, I think, has played itself out. I think it’s fair to say the Republicans were the party of ideas for a pretty long chunk of time there over the last ten, fifteen years, in the sense that they were challenging conventional wisdom. Now, you’ve heard it all before. You look at the economic policies when they’re being debated among the Presidential candidates and it’s all tax cuts. Well, you know, we’ve done that, we tried it.

I’m not sweating the $1000. (If HRC wins the nomination, I plan to max out in any case.)*

So far, I’ve had one hysterically abusive and illiterate email, but not any actual attempt by anyone to come up with the “exact quote.” But I’ll keep on asking, and I hope some reporters start asking, too.

All right, Senator, you promised us the “exact quote” where Barack Obama said he “really liked the ideas of the Republicans over the last 10 to 15 years.” Where is it?

* Update A reader is puzzled by the phrase “max out.” I mean only that, if HRC is the nominee, I will dutifully send my $2300 contribution, the maximum allowed. She and her husband may have forgotten that the Republicans must be prevented from holding the White House (and permanently stacking the Supreme Court) but I haven’t.

Campaign contribution: $2300

Clothespin: 25 cents.

Preventing another four years of Republican rule: priceless.

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