January 18, 2008

 A Good Question, Actually

In the stopped-clock department, here's a shrewd question from, of all people, Roger Simon:

While watching the endless pundit blather on TV tonight after the Republican Michigan Primary and Democratic Nevada Debate and reading the various opinion meisters commentaries online, I had one of those rare zen moments of simplicity. It all comes down to a simple question:

Who would you like to be in the White House if Pakistan fell to al Qaeda and the Islamists gained control of its nuclear arsenal?

Answer that question and you will know your candidate. All the rest, as they say, is commentary.

(H/T: Cliff May at The Corner) I'm not prepared to say that that is the only question to ask yourself, but if you had to pick one, this would certainly be a very strong finalist. It's not a bad heuristic. And it doesn't help the Republicans at all.

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