February 18, 2007

 Bigot v. bigot

The anti-Mormon bigotry Mitt Romney faces is a disgrace to a nation whose Constitution forbids any "religious test" for public office. But don't feel sorry for Romney; he has no objection to bigotry as long as he's in the in-group. Presumably when he says that the country should be led by a "person of faith" he doesn't mean someone who firmly believes in following the evidence where it leads; he means only someone who stubbornly clings to ancestral ideas and rituals.

Romney's response makes me think of Pastor Niemoller stood on his head "When they came for me, I said, 'Hey! I'm an Aryan, like you! The country should be ruled by Aryans! Go after those Jews instead!' "

It also reminds me of my favorite Far Side cartoon: Your viewpoint is through a gunsight. The beaer in the cross-hairs, with an appeasing smile on his face, is pointing urgently at the bear next to him.

A bigot, and a coward. Feh.

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